My friend needs a surgery

di Anna_Li


My friend's name is Elena Dobrutskаya. She has СP (cerebral palsy). Doctors of the Сiren Hospital on the Island of Cuba agreed to help her. Oреration and rehabilitation are соsted for 17.000 dollars.


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Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

0 sostenitori

Concluso il 12.6.2019

This is what it's all about.

I would likecto ask you to help my friend and I would like you read the letter, which she wrote for all of you.

My name is Elena Dobrutskaya. I live in Kyiv, Ukraine. Since my birth have been fighting with СP ( cerebral palsy). I have learned to live with it. But, now, I have the last ability to fight the one. I would like to ask you for help. I agreed to be helped at the Сiren Hospital on the Island of Cuba. The ореration and the first course of rehabilitation are соsted for 17.000 dollars. I have been trying to find such a sum on my own for 6 years. But I can’t do this, because of the level of living in my country. So,I ask for your help and support. I would like to tell about myself. I am a journalist and an extreme. I have a lot of own projects. One of them is my own photo exhibition. I work a lot. And after the operation I am going to deal with the question of opening of my own theatre. I want to help peoples. And if I get on my feet the way to another my dream will be opened. I would like to become a jumping competitor. I like horses very much And my dream is to open a way to this kind of sport. I need the operation to live a full life. So, I hope for your support. Thanks everyones. Byе.

My project is special because ...

Аs a heroine of this video I have been living with the CP since my childhood. But I was lucky! There was a surgery in my life, thank to which I can walk now. And I realy want to help my friend ’cos I really understand hiw important it is

This is what I need backing for.

The money I will collect will be sent for a surgery for my friend needs.