My Heart Belongs To Cecilia Winter produziert ein Musikvideo
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ar backers, we hope that you have spent the most beautiful summer (as we did)!
Most of you have got their rewards. There are still some postal adresses missing- so please check your mails, write us back and get your reward.
As you all know: Music-bizz can be a real fucking old and lazy grandpa. But! This is promised:
The single- and video-release of «The Wind That Moves The Clouds» will be in October 13 and the album «Midnight Midnight» will come out in Janurary 14 (Germany, France, Austria). See you on our tour!
The guys with the 180Fr-reward: Next possibilities to spend a hole concert day with us:
Today, openair-festival Weihern Unplugged St. Gallen
October 2, Rote Fabrik Zürich
October 4, Waves Wien
See you soon, Love Kusi, Betty, Thom
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ar friends, we were very busy with lots of stuff. That’s why we haven’t send you yet your rewards- very sorry for that!
At the end of this week, we’re leaving for three weeks of summer holidays. You get your rewards middle of August- promised.
All the best, kiss Kusi, Betty, Thom
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ar backers, we’re so happy that we have reached the 3000 francs- thanks to you. Hurrah!
As you probably know: A video isn’t made with this amount. So let’s at least knack the 4000 francs! With this we will pay the rent for the space we have shot in, the transport-costs and if possible a little salary for the amazing work of cameraguy Gabriel Sandru, make-up-artist Tanja Maria Koller and so on!
Till very soon, hug, Thom, Betty, Kusi
Liebe Unterstützer, dank euch haben wir die 3000.- Franken-Marke erreicht: Yallah!
Wie ihr bestimmt wisst, macht man allein mit diesem Betrag kein Video im Stile von dem, was wir planen. Drum lasst uns die 4000-Franken-Marke knacken. Mit diesem Geld bezahlen wir die Raummiete, die Transportkosten und wenn möglich einen kleinen Lohn für unseren wunderbaren Kameramann Gabriel Sandru und die nicht weniger tolle Maskenbildnerin Tanja Maria Koller.
Und bald gibt’s Post! Herzlichst Thom, Betty, Kusi
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ar supporters, what a great start of our project, thank you so much!
Last weekende we’ve done some tests. Hannibal the raven couldn’t be in a better shape. We’re very much looking forward tho this shoot. In two weeks we do it!
So, tell your friends about this project, we’re almost there!
Best, Cecilia Winter