Be inspired by nature, build your partnership as a thriving forest. Mycelium is a deck of 18 cards and a board game to help facilitate partnerships and to create safe spaces for collaboration.

CHF 3’525

106% of CHF 3’300

106 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

47 backers

Successfully concluded on 6/7/2021


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  • Giorgio, Jany thanks for your support! You will see the results soon - we reached the funding target and we are now going into production of the first edition. Together we are better :)

    Marina Ruta on 24/6/2021 08:44

  • Me réjouis de voir le résultat!

    Giorgio Pauletto on 23/6/2021 19:14

  • Building on analogies with nature to support the birth, development and growth of partnerships and collaboration is such a wonderful idea! And providing cards to trigger meaningful conversations in that context can be very powerful.

    Jany Barraut on 23/6/2021 18:09

  • Erica, Maeva, Cate, Kiymet thank you for believing in Mycelium - you are now part of it. Together we are better!

    Marina Ruta on 21/6/2021 19:14

  • I believe in this project!

    Kiymet on 21/6/2021 08:59

  • Trovo il potenziale interessante e sono curiosa di vedere come evolve

    Cate on 19/6/2021 17:24

  • I can only encourage such project!
    There is no better way to transform than adding an element of play into it!
    Transforming can be playful!
    Thanks Marina for inspiring me everyday!
    Please help Marina with her endeavors! Anything she has ever created had been so aligned with what we all need, as individuals and as a society.

    Maeva Fages on 7/6/2021 08:21

  • We must reach an unprecedented level of partnerships across all sectors to transform our society. Thank you Marina for your contribution to it ! I can't wait to play the game.

    Erica Mazerolle on 4/6/2021 17:16

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