Mycelium – the game

von Marina Ruta und Rebel & Shine


Be inspired by nature, build your partnership as a thriving forest. Mycelium is a deck of 18 cards and a board game to help facilitate partnerships and to create safe spaces for collaboration.

CHF 3’525

106% von CHF 3’300

106 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

47 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 6.7.2021

Stepping into successful partnerships

I envision a world where partnership is the new normal to co-create social and environmental benefit inside and outside organisations and groups.

Mycelium is a collaboration tool to help facilitate partnerships and to create safe spaces for collaboration. Inspired by nature, the mutualistic association between fungi and plant roots in a thriving forest, the tool consists of 18 cards and a board game.

Playing Mycelium allows stakeholders to agree on principles, expected behaviors and actions for the partnership in a trusting atmosphere, quickly developing a common language for mutual understanding.

Divided in two groups and prompted by the card questions, participants discover principles and behaviors found in nature and reflect on their own partnership journey by analogy. It is a fun and inspirational game which I developed by design thinking and biomimicry.

Developed at the Impact Hub Geneva.

  • Gameboard prototype
    Gameboard prototype
  • Mycelium is a collaboration tool inspired by nature
    Mycelium is a collaboration tool inspired by nature

Nature inspires. Playing connects.

Having long experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships, I understand that individual and organizations on their path of transformation struggle in isolation and lack safe spaces for connection. When scoping the value of a partnership or of teaming up, often parties struggle in building trust among each other and need to develop a common language for smoother communication.

As a biomimicry practicioner, I asked nature for advice and now I want to provide you with a simple tool for connecting your parties and bringing them to know each other, their interests and potential interactions. I believe in nature as a mentor and playfulness as a catalyst for creativity.

  • Sketching cards
    Sketching cards
  • The sketch of the gameboard
    The sketch of the gameboard

For this I need your support

The amount of 3,300 CHF ensures that my idea becomes a product with the help of a professional illustrator and that I can distribute to the initial testers. It will cover costs and expenses that are necessary for the realization of the first edition of Mycelium.

Stepping into successful partnership
Stepping into successful partnership