This is what the story is about.
NACHBAR_INNEN (AT) tells the story of Tämi and Sophie, two neighbors who could not be more different. Tämi, 21 years old, has just been dumped by her boyfriend and frustratedly decides to go on holiday. Because she’s low on cash, she decides to break into her neighbour Sophie’s place. However, this endeavour is not as straightforward as it seems, because Sophie, the 20-year-old biology student, is head over heels in love with Tämi. With the support of Lisa, her best friend, Sophie tries to find the best way to get in touch with Tämi. As Tämi prepares to break into Sophie’s place, Sophie seems to pluck up enough courage to go and talk to Tämi. Trouble seems to be just around the corner.

Why this film?
The concept of filmmaking has always fascinated me; People of many different cultures come together to create something lasting. After working as a crewmember on various film productions since 2014, I have discovered my passion: storytelling. One of the main aspects of storytelling is inspiring viewers to think. This corresponds with my idea of filmmaking. In addition to making people laugh, wonder and (sometimes) cry, my goal is to get people to question social norms and standards. NACHBAR_INNEN (AT) should thus serve as a food for thought and entertainment for people from young to old. The film crew consists of young and motivated filmmakers from Bern, who prefer the film set to a beach holiday. In order to make the production of the film NACHBAR_INNEN (AT) possible however, we need some financial resources that we cannot come up with by ourselves.

This is what we need backing for.
To get a high-quality image we require suitable equipment. This includes the right light sources, camera accessories and sound recording material. The rent for camera, lighting, filming locations, costumes, and props will take up most of the budget. Make-Up material causes additional costs. Because the film crew and their equipment have to go to different locations, various gasoline and transport costs will accrue. Also included is catering for the 15-person film crew on all shooting days (15 hungry mouths need stuffing). Finally, marketing and advertisement as well as social media appearance of the film must be paid. This makes up the final part of our budget.