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Chuna AG has developed a range of educational material for children. We wish to adapt/translate our «Nutty» Series of 13 animated shows for the Swiss market.

CHF 10’035

100% of CHF 10’000

100 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

12 backers

Successfully concluded on 3/2/2013

Our focus

We are creating a thirteen part animation series based around one of our characters called Nutty. Nutty is exploring the world around her and is sharing her experiences with the viewers. Initially we want to focus on one episode – Nutty builds a snowman. This is the first of what we hope will be many adaptations of our content for the Swiss market.

Nutty builds a snowman

Mit einem innovativen und unterhaltsamen Lernprogramm verbindet unser Projekt Menschen aller Altersgruppen. Unsere «Potato Comics» überbrücken alle Rassenschranken und verbinden ethnisch geteilte Gruppen über internationale Grenzen hinweg.

Your support

Are you someone who believes in the power of education to transform and enrich childrenʼs lives? Then please support us. You are helping to make a difference to children in Switzerland.

For what is your contribution used for?

Every contribution is used for the translations and first book print and DVD burning into the Swiss four national languages, German, French, Italian, and Romanisch for the «Nutty builds a snowman» book and DVD. Each book will be printed with two national languages. Plus the voice over for the same languages required for the DVD. Each DVD will be in one National Language.

If you are generous and assist us with more that is required your kind support will be used towards the next Nutty Title of the Nutty series.

Special thanks to...

…all the people who have supported this program with their belief, time and hard work and to all who believe education is the future.

We are the Chuna AG

With our headquarters in Switzerland and creative partners throughout the world we are committed to creating educational media for children of all ages. This is a self funded project that we believe will make a difference to the world and we want the opportunity to share this with as many people as possible.

Felix Köpfli founded Chuna AG to develop educational media to entertain and engage children of all ages. One of the main characters is Mr Roesti, supported by a number of friends. Together they are able to teach with wise on any subject in a fun and entertaining way. One character, Nutty, has her own set of mini adventures for younger children. For older children, Mr Roesti takes on a human form and is far away from earth. Environmental issues and behaving responsibly being the foundation of this animation.

Here you find out more about the background, the motivation and the history.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Die Chuna AG wurde gegründet und aufgebaut von Felix Köpfli, einem Schweizer Bauernsohn, der aus existenziellen Gründen mit 14 Jahren alleine in die Welt hinaus ging und ihre Schönheiten und die wahren Sorgen vor Ort kennenlernen durfte.

Die Chuna AG entwickelt spannende und unterhaltsame Medienprojekte für Kinder und Jugendliche in verschiedenen Altersstufen. Eine der Hauptfiguren heisst Mr Roesti, welche von mehreren Freunden unterstützt wird. Gemeinsam lehren und erklären sie Kinder und Jugendlichen wichtige Themen auf ihre eigene, spielerische und lustige Art. Eine der Figuren ist Nutty. Sie umfasst eine eigene Abenteuerserie speziell für kleinere Kinder. Mr Roesti ist für ältere Kinder und Jugendliche gedacht.

Hier erfährst du alle Hintergründe, die Motivation, die Vision unserer Aufgabe, die Geschichte und vieles mehr.