Our journey to the EC

by Stefanie


We qualified to participate at the Rope Skipping EC in Eger, Hungary. To compete with jumpers from all over Europe, we need your help.

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CHF 3’500

100% of CHF 3’500

100 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

39 backers

43 hours to go

Who are we?

Hi there! We are Manuel and Stefanie from Dachsen. We have been doing Rope Skipping for over 7 years. After we started together as a team for the first time last year and have already competed internationally, this summer we can now represent Switzerland at the European Championships.

We are looking forward to gaining more international competition experience.

  • Showaction
  • Schweizermeistertitel Team 23
    Schweizermeistertitel Team 23

That's what we need your support for

We would like to use this contribution to finance our participation at the European Championships: travel, accommodation, entry fees, registration and some of the equipment. In addition to work, we train a lot. We need your support in order to cover all costs and prepare ourselves optimally.

  • Pairsinteraction
  • Manuels Freestyle
    Manuels Freestyle

What's special about my sport

Rope skipping thrives on diversity: you can do it in groups or alone, you can compete in different disciplines, such as speed or freestyle (creativity) to music. At the European Championships, we will be competing in the 3-minute speed and 30-second speed disciplines and showing our freestyles. We also jump a pair together and perform 2x30 second double unders. Rope Skipping is a sport for everyone and can be practiced anywhere and without much space.

  • Double Unders
    Double Unders
  • Fokus vor dem Speed
    Fokus vor dem Speed