This is what it's all about.
As part of the «ü» project, we would like to expand the cultivation of cereals.
The basic idea behind this project is to revive the old tradition of arable farming in Davos. Originally, each family planted a small, mostly steep area with potatoes, cereals and vegetables. Due to changes in agriculture, this tradition has been lost. One important reason for this is that there are far fewer people available on farms today and they cultivate a larger area. We want to counteract this and once again produce more sustainable and regionally produced food for the local population. The aim is to combine tradition with modern knowledge and technology. We rely on old, robust breeds and varieties and yet use modern cultivation methods.
What is special about our project
We rely on old, robust breeds and varieties and yet use modern farming methods. We also keep old livestock breeds on our farm that are threatened with extinction and are therefore part of a «Pro specie rara» conservation breeding program. These are mirror sheep and the black Alpine pig on the farm and Pomeranian ducks and Diepholz geese on Lake Davos.
For this we need support
In order to implement regional and sustainable agriculture in Davos, we need financial support.
As we do not have enough manpower on our farm to carry out the work by hand, we need a combine harvester for the grain harvest. Last year we were able to find a discarded combine harvester free of charge. When we tried to repair the machine, we realized that the damage was more extensive than we first thought. What’s more, due to the machine’s advanced age, important spare parts are no longer available. We therefore need another machine that meets our requirements. Such machines are still available on the market in good condition. However, we do not have the capital to purchase a suitable machine.