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Pyramids In Bosnia

di Alex Dolphin

Artstetten e Vienna

34.000 year old pyramids in europe, megalithic stonewalls, a mysterious tunnel system with healing capabilities and a stunning movie soundtrack composed by Alex Dolphin.

EUR 914

13% di EUR 7’000

13 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

10 sostenitori

Concluso il 31.10.2015

Pyramids In Bosnia – A New Century Begins

In BOSNIA (center of europe), only 1 hour flight from Austria, in the year 2005 there was discovered a pyramid complex of 5 pyramids 2 underground tunnel systems and a Tumulus.

After 10 years of research Dr. Semir Sam Osmanagich and his crew of international scientists and volunteers discovered, that pyramids are geometric buildings which are directly connected to the energy system of our planet (earth) and the universe.

Physicists measured with modern instruments an energy beam on the top of the «Pyramid of the sun», which has 4,5 meters in diameter and a power of 30 milliwatt.

I have been there in June 2015 and also met Dr. Semir Sam Osmanagich on an exclusiv tour to the most important archaeological sights in Bosnia, which are all strong energy places. I had my professional film equipment with me and I will present you my experiences in an exciting and very musical documentary.

Therefore, I need your help!

To finance the post-production costs i need your help. Otherwise it´s not possible to produce that cinema movie with composed music and in two different languages (german and english)

Only with your help, this plan will succeed!

Yes, I would like to help! What can I do?

You can help me by taking one of the goodies (rewards) on the right side of the page.

What is my benefit?

Your benefit is to be an official supporter of this great film project. It will help that more and more people will know that this amazing pyramids with energetical skills really exist. And hopefully in the future more volunteers will come to Bosnia and help to excavate this meaningful monument which will lead to new knowledge of our human origins.

What else can I do, to support you?

  • you could share the link of this project (E-Mail, Facebook)
  • make tweets on Twitter
  • visit the official facebook page of the Movie and like it
  • tell your friends about it
  • write in your blog about this film
  • or write articles in your newspaper

Why should I support this film?

This film is my own initiative to promote the researchers in Bosnia who often work for free to discover new knowledge which could be very helpful to solve our environmental problems here on earth.

They need financial income through tourism so that they can proceed excavating.

If you ever dreamed to excavate by yourself and be in the front row, when new discoveries are made, get a volunteer and join the volunteers program of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation.

Where does the film come to the cinemas?

In Austria the film premiere will be on January 27th 2016 in the cinema «Achtmillimeter» in Mank.

In Switzerland I have already connections to local cinemas.

If you have connections to cinemas in your country, you are welcome to contact me:

pyramiden (at) studiodolphin (dot) cc

Later the film will be available as DVD in german or english, or as video stream on amazon.

How can I stay up to date, about the status of the project?

The best way is to look up

the facebook page of the movie.

Or the Official Website of the movie.

Wie halte ich mich am Laufenden über den Status des Projekts?

Am besten über die Facebookseite. Hier kannst du mich auch anschreiben und mit mir in Kontakt treten. Sowie auf der Homepage.