Queer Pâdze, what's that ?
Alpagai is a LGBTIQ+ association in Wallis that has some books on shelves. Everybody can read them, flip through them— That’s good, isn’t it?
But, what if we did better ?
With the project Queer Pâdze, the goal is to catalog, grow and lend the books.
For the online part, the documents will be indexed. It’s mean that the key topics they cover will come up when a search is done.
For their place in the local, they will be classed by subject and type. The fiction will be together, same for the non-fiction and we will find children’s book.
Queer Pâdze want to make the LGBTIQ+ community visible in different littatures and medias. We will try to be present on cultural events to offer a discussion and raise awerness for the cause.
Everything written above will be done thanks to you! The more of you, the further we’ll go.
Queer Pâdze won the Wild Award during the BØWIE creators project incubator. It rewards a project that stands out by creating a change in fun and in an unexpected way.
Why queer books for everyone ?
Libraries are a paradise for people who like to read. But it’s not easy when we’re LGBTIQ+ to find stories with characters like us.
I grew up with mostly straight characters and it prevented me from living fully as I was. I was convinced that one could only be straight or a stereotypical secondary character. So I want to offer anyone the choice to have a fiction that represents them.
Today, in French-speaking Switzerland, there is no specialized library for the LGBTIQ+ public. We can mention the Filigrane library, which specializes in women*s, feminism, gender, equality… There are also some documents in public or specialized libraries but it can be difficult to take the first step to get them.
Out of a list of more than 1900 various resources, only one third (29%) is available in the RERO VS catalogue. Our aim is to supplement this existing fund in the many libraries in Valais.
With Queer Pâdze, within the Alpagai Association, everyone can read a document and talk about it with people concerned, ask questions and receive help if needed.
Why support Queer Pâdze
We want to offer as many people as possible access to queer books. If you share this desire, your support will help us a lot!
With this money, we will be able to launch in the best conditions to buy: New shelves Books Material to equip books Lots of books The library management system Have we already said books ?
The more we exceed the target, the more we can fill our shelves. Currently, we have 500 resources on our shelves. They are rather old and we want to add fresh ink. Our goal is to reach the 1000 documents catalogued by the end of the year!
We will be present in Alpagai at Avenue du Ritz 33 in Sion. You can come and sip something and enjoy the books.