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8new projects close to Ferndorf in kids / youth
Reset FiltersWe have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Ferndorf. But this may be of interest to you.

Kids / Youth and Education
Zürich and Fribourg
by AraVerlag

Kids / Youth, Literature, and Sport
Book: Lias Football Journey
by Meret Yannice Wälti and KALEIO für Mädchen (und den Rest der Welt)

Kids / Youth and Literature
Die Vier Magischen Augen
by Miki

Community and Kids / Youth
St-Imier and Interlaken
Schweiz entdecken, gemeinsam
by maesoave

Kids / Youth and Education
La Chrysalide - école privée
by Ecole privée La Chrysalide

Film, Kids / Youth, and Art
Vevey and Geneva
Promoting young filmmakers
by marmotteproductions

Music, Community, and Kids / Youth
Se reconstruire en musique
by Association ESPAS (Espace de Soutien et de Prévention – Abus Sexuels)

Performing arts and Kids / Youth
Spectacle pour enfants, Nyon
by Iuliia Kobyliatska