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2new projects close to Greyerz in photography

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Greyerz. But this may be of interest to you.
Buchprojekt GEORG RAUH

Photography, Publishing, and Architecture

St. Gallen

Buchprojekt GEORG RAUH

by Christine Egli & Dorothy Holt Wacker

Der Nachlass des Schweizer Bauhaus Architekten Georg Rauh wird aufgearbeitet und anhand einer Monografie dokumentiert. Schlüsselwerke werden porträtiert und Themen seines Schaffens textlich erörtert.

9 %
CHF 2’775
46 days to go
Report: Ásatrú

Exhibition, Photography, and Journalism

Reykjavík and Lausanne

Report: Ásatrú

by L'Oeil d'Anouk

Goal: Exhibition. To complete my series of portraits and testimonies of Icelanders who identify with this neo-pagan spirituality and to document rituals or ceremonies.