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3new projects close to La Ferrière in publishing

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strecke book: 2016-2022

Photography, Publishing, and Music


strecke book: 2016-2022

by strecke archives

Production of a book on small town underground community through the visual archives of a collective and Swiss music label.

5 %
CHF 180
31 days to go
Weil es Recht ist

Publishing, Community, and Environment


Weil es Recht ist

by Marcel Hänggi

Unterstütze mein Buchprojekt, das der Frage nachgeht: Wie müsste eine schweizerische Bundesverfassung für das kommende Zeitalter multipler Umweltkrisen (das Anthropozän) aussehen? Danke!

18 %
CHF 2’800
26 days to go
Just for You and Nature

Publishing, Community, and Environment


Just for You and Nature

by Eva Hintermann

Does nature conservation appeal to you? Are you interested in what positive non-profit organizations do? Or are you interested in travel and ecotourism? Then this is a project for you.