REINGERS is a documentary film about a 24-hour vintage tractor race in Lower Austria.

EUR 3’265

21% de EUR 15’000

21 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

71 contributeur*rices

Clôturé le 9.11.2018

about the film

REINGERS is a documentary about a world championship in vintage tractor racing lasting a full 24 hours. This extraordinary event takes place once a year in the small Lower Austrian village of Reingers in the idyllic Waldviertel region.

This is an event that disrupts the everyday rural peace with a bang. Every year, the tractor race attracts thousands of spectators. During a 24-hour period, more than 80 vintage tractors compete for the so-called «Golden Hemp Leaf» trophy. The drivers race in different classes, reaching top speeds of up to 70 kmph.

The film is intended to document the passion and dedication of these motorsport enthusiasts. It will showcase what the solidarity of an entire region can achieve and how enthusiasm and tireless commitment can make a vision come true.

my project is special because ...

In 2017, I visited the tractor race in Reingers for the first time by chance. I was thrilled and astonished from the very beginning. Wherever you looked, tractors, dust, engines! And all this in a region famous for its calm and slowness.

I immediately recognized the professionalism behind the event. In Reingers, tractor racing is a family matter: those who don’t drive take care of the vehicles, cook, clean, or build things to support the drivers.

And if you think that in the Waldviertel region, alcohol is certainly a part of it all, you’d be surprised – at least as far as the drivers are concerned. Strict controls guarantee a safe and secure race.

I’d like to spread the word, document these wonderful people and their event and showcase it all to an international audience. All the love and passion are contagious!

production, crew & timetable

Producing a high-quality documentary costs money. This crowdfunding campaign is intended to cover a part of the production costs. I need money for research, travel expenses, overnight stays, food, equipment rental, data backup, a website, but above all, fees for my colleagues who will help me with the production.

In order to show you what kind of footage we would like to capture and what kind of stories we would like to tell, we went to Reingers for a preliminary visit with a small crew and captured the event at the end of August.

The production of the film is planned to start in autumn this year and will capture the different stages of the race teams’ preparations. I’d like to tell the story of this event from different perspectives. If crowdfunding is successful, we’ll start in fall 2018.

At the center of the story are the various teams and the organizers of the race. Several stages of filming are planned to tell as much as possible about the people and the stories they associate with the tractor race.

The final stage of production will be the race weekend in 2019, closing the narrative circle. Using several camera crews and numerous mounted cameras, we will capture spectacular images of the race, which will form the heart of the film.

If you’d like to know more about the people involved, please take a look at the film’s website. Production of the film is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.

Any help and support are more than welcome. Please share, comment on, like or recommend the project. And of course, any financial support brings us ever closer to the realization of this extraordinary project.

  • Thomas Schweighofer - cinematographer & gimbal operator
    Thomas Schweighofer - cinematographer & gimbal operator
  • Thomas Schweighofer - cinematographer & gimbal operator
    Thomas Schweighofer - cinematographer & gimbal operator
  • Felix Sturmberger - music & sound design
    Felix Sturmberger - music & sound design
  • Thomas Schweighofer (l.) & Mike Lights (r.) Gaffer
    Thomas Schweighofer (l.) & Mike Lights (r.) Gaffer
  • Thomas Dunzendorfer - cinematographer/drone operator
    Thomas Dunzendorfer - cinematographer/drone operator
  • Thomas Dunzendorfer & Mike Lights
    Thomas Dunzendorfer & Mike Lights
  • Max von Lux (l.) - director & producer
    Max von Lux (l.) - director & producer