Fotoessay über zeitgenössischen Stadtraum in Doha, Bahrain, den Emiraten und Indien im globalisierten und digitalisierten Zeitalter. Begleitet von philosophischem Originaltext über Stadtentwicklung.
CHF 5’895
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Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 17.6.2021
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Content that contents
Noel am 16.5.2021 20:49
It allows a different point of view from the area, which I consider as my hometown.
Silvia Jakob am 12.5.2021 08:36
VOLUPTAS ETHZ am 11.5.2021 21:24
Looking very much forward to seeing Alex's great work in print!
Vassilis Lekkas am 11.5.2021 21:07
It is important to advance our global, holistic understanding of the world also through the eyes and perceptions of the young and curious :)
Ilsen am 11.5.2021 17:10
Very original thinking!!
Darth Vader am 11.5.2021 09:07