Save A Legendary Printshop

by Robert Butler


Please contribute today and help support keeping a small independent print shop alive in Bern. Mr. Butler provides screen printing and graphic design solutions for our community!

CHF 34’038

154% of CHF 22’000

154 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

227 backers

Successfully concluded on 26/5/2015


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  • Hi there!
    Ich wollte mal fragen, wies mit den rewards aussieht? Mein Kühlschrank ist drum immer noch so leer ohne die Konzertflyer...
    Beste Grüsse, Cathya

    Cathya Leiser on 30/9/2015 09:45

    Reply 0