Help organize training for committed people in Moldova, the poorest country in Europe. You make it possible for children's daycare centers, retirement homes and young entrepreneurs to help themselves

CHF 4’858

106% di CHF 4’567

106 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

39 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 24.12.2024

That’s what it’s all about

We have been living and helping with social projects in the Republic of Moldova for three years and in our work we meet wonderfully committed people every day who have a huge heart - and who unfortunately sometimes lack the necessary training.

With your Christmas gift, you are enabling important additional training for these committed people who are already showing initiative and making a difference today:

  • Care staff in retirement homes
  • Volunteer carers in day centers for vulnerable children
  • Young entrepreneurs


IT’S SO EASY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Choose one or more rewards → send → your Christmas 🎁 is ready!

Help that makes an immediate impact

Thanks to your support, we will be running training programmes throughout Moldova in 2025, especially in peripheral regions with limited access to education.



Care staff in childcare centres and retirement homes often lack medical knowledge. Minor injuries are treated without knowing the correct treatment or risks. In emergencies, first aid is not provided until the ambulance arrives. In these courses, employees learn important first aid skills that improve the quality of care and save lives in an emergency.

A certified fire service instructor is already running these courses. Your donation will help her to offer additional courses, including in peripheral regions.



Many free after-school centres provide children with hot meals, homework help and a safe place to play. Most of these children come from difficult social backgrounds and carry «invisible packages» with them. However, the caring after-school staff have no formal training to provide the children with targeted support.

Silvia is a qualified childcare specialist and shows the staff practical ways in which they can support the children even better in a three-day coaching programme.



The start-up scene in Moldova is growing - young adults are venturing into self-employment instead of working abroad as unskilled labourers in construction or care. Your donation enables 15 founders to take part in the two-day Boost Camp.

Tim was self-employed in the design and innovation sector for over 10 years. Together with local entrepreneurs and international experts, we share our knowledge on leadership, innovation and business management in practical workshops and 1:1 coaching.

This will happen

  • CHRISTMAS 2024 - Until 24 December you have the opportunity to give away training courses in Moldova

  • JANUARY AND FEBRUARY - Planning and coordination
  • FEBRUARY TO AUGUST - Coaching + first aid courses
  • SUMMER 2025 - Boost Camp
  • AUTUMN 2025 - Final report and thank you video

During the implementation, we will inform you once a month with short reports, photos and videos about the latest developments and training courses carried out.



Our local, established network partners are actively involved in these training programmes here on site. All donations flow directly into the realisation of the training courses - without administrative fees or hidden costs.

Transparency and trust are extremely important. This crowdfunding is a private initiative of our family that we carry out in our free time. We do our hours for these training courses on a voluntary basis, as our wages are already covered by our private supporters. You can view the budget in a video call at any time on request.



… for your wonderful support,

Greetings from Tim and Silvia from Moldova