Help us make «giving» more exciting and generate millions of donations for good causes!

CHF 1’415

5% di CHF 25’000

5 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

16 sostenitori

Concluso il 10.3.2018

We make «giving» fun and easy

Everyone takes a selfie every now and then so why not do it for a good cause? With our app, Selfless, you take a selfless selfie, choose a cool frame and donate 1$ to a featured cause of your choice categorized by the UN Sustainability Goals. Get showcased on social media and inspire your friends to do the same. Let’s make donating fun, easy and personal!

The first platform for donors

Selfless aims at mobilizing millennials to generate millions of donations by the power of social media. Our vision is to reach millennials that would not donate otherwise and subsequently become the world’s first platform for individual donors. With your own unique donor profile you can easily connect to other donors and challenge them and your friends to donate too.

We need your backing for a fully functional prototype

A lot of greatness can be unlocked with only a little amount of money. If we can build the app, we can do so much by leveraging as many people as possible to give only little.

The funds would be used to build a fully functional prototype of our Selfless app and to kick off with our promoting campaign. We are currently speaking to an amazing app-builder who can kick off as soon as we have the funds. With your help we can launch and together begin our journey of empowering millenials and generating donations. Together we can make the needed change!