-sensemaking+ is an essayistic short film comedy about trains of thought. The film is the graduation project of ZHdK film student Lena Marie Rheinländer.

CHF 3’222

107% of CHF 3’000

107 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

54 backers

Successfully concluded on 6/9/2024

Person C finds themselves in their own thoughts and tries to reflect on them.

-sensemaking+ is a cinematic research project about trains of thought that deals with the question of what trains of thought actually are, what the difference is between sense and nonsense and whether it makes sense to think about thinking. The ZHdK short film is to be shot in the Zurich area this year and is the graduation project of student Lena Marie Rheinländer, who is developing the cinematic realisation together with cameraman Balz Auf der Maur and production designers Sophie Wiget & Till Hänni. A first scene of the film was shot on 23 May 2024 to generate a starting point for the abstract script for further film research.

FILM CREW: Director of Photography: Balz Auf der Maur, Production Design: Sophie Wiget & Till Hänni, Production manager: Balazs Gyenes, Assistant director: Stefania Burla, Location sound mixer: Frédéric Kämpfer & Felix Scherrer, Gaffer: Mischa Müller, H&M: Ksenia Ignatenko, Editing: Riccarda Schwarz, Assistant editor: Tereza Daniell Adámková, Film music: Paul Taro Schmidt, Director/Writer/Producer: Lena Marie Rheinländer

Filmstill from 5/23/24, left to right: Aira Venzi, Giulia Esposito, Lara Körte & Tristan Stöhr, © Balz Auf der Maur, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Filmstill from 5/23/24, left to right: Aira Venzi, Giulia Esposito, Lara Körte & Tristan Stöhr, © Balz Auf der Maur, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Why should I donate to a film project?

As a new generation of filmmakers, we have a great interest in questioning traditional filming structures and are looking for ways and solutions to prevent power imbalances and promote more sustainable filmmaking in order to transfer this to the industry later on. This is one of the aims of this project. Unfortunately, without the financial support of the required CHF 3000, the filming of the project cannot be realised. With the crowdfunding campaign, your donation will not only support up-and-coming filmmakers and performers in their artistic work, but also the artists involved in the crowdfunding campaign. Thus, the first 3000 CHF will go to the -sensemaking+ team, the next 2000 CHF to the participating artists and their expenses for the production of the crowdfunding goodies. If there is a surplus of more than CHF 5000, the donations will be passed on to the non-profit organisation Sea-Eye e. V., which uses its rescue ships to save refugees in the Mediterranean.

© Lukas Hiltbrunner
© Lukas Hiltbrunner

What do we need financial support for?

  • Set design & costume (primarily made from recyclable materials)
  • Locations (in the Zurich area)
  • Catering (vegetarian/vegan)
  • Travel costs (for public transport and smaller journeys for transport of film equipment)
  • Hardware for post-production
  • Music production