Shrizz N Maze-Dope Frequency

de Shrizz N Maze

Berne et Paris

Shrizz N Maze s’envole dans l’espace à bord de son vaisseau spatial. De la rencontre avec l’univers naîtra l’album Dope Frequency fortement influencé par des fréquences martiennes à ce jour inconnues.

EUR 14’420

144% de EUR 10’000

144 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

95 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 14.3.2022


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  • I support this project because Shrizz N Maze dusts off Interplanetary Funk to give it galactic radiance

    François Rocher le 14.3.2022 14:02

  • weil ich will; hat Matze gesagt ;-)

    Patrick Principe le 10.3.2022 12:39

  • aus Sympathie

    Franziska Zurbach le 8.3.2022 17:24

  • Yes! So cool that you have added us to We Fancy, thank you so much, danke vielmals, merci beaucoup!
    Very soon we will have reached our goal and we will in all likelihood up the target and reach even higher, this will make much more things possible! We are working on new content that will be released next week, the saga of Shrizz N Maze continues, and new details of the story will be revealed very soon, so stay tuned on our channels!
    And many many heartfelt thanks and intergalactic love to all of you who have already supported us and those who will, Dopestar will fly on with course set to Mars thanks to you!
    Stay safe and well everybody!
    Over and out, for now
    Shrizz N Maze

    Shrizz N Maze le 20.2.2022 15:06

  • I love It!

    Ana López Segovia le 19.2.2022 08:22

  • We like your project – this is why we’ve added it to our «We Fancy» category! For the next couple of days it will appear on the front page and also in the «Recommended» section.
    We’d say you can be proud of yourselves and tell everyone about it! Publish an update, make a tweet or write a post!

    Team wemakeit le 17.2.2022 11:10

  • Thank you very much / Vielen Dank allerseits / Muchisimas gracias a todos / Merci beaucoup tout le monde: To everybody who has supported us so far and intends to: We highly appreciate your donation towards making this our beloved outter space mission come true and promise to return it to you tenfold, Martian frequencies are upon you!!!

    Shrizz N Maze le 9.2.2022 23:12

  • Because ich liebe dich mon bru....

    Simon Andrieux le 9.2.2022 10:24

Chargement des Commentaires 9 – 16 sur 14...