How to bring Sport, Community & Environment together
We want to create a community of sport buddies who meet, exchange tips, lend or sell their equipment in an affordable way and are friendly to the environment. We want to strongly contribute to the circular economy and to build a more sustainable, friendly and exciting world.
But who are we?
Launched in 2011, our website has become one of the reference point for snow, water and skatepark sports enthusiasts throughout Switzerland. Our employees are professional riders and their mission is to help customers find the best products and have the most fun with their chosen equipment. Customer satisfaction and the choice of sustainable brands are real obsessions.
Our customers always ask us three questions:
- Can you help us find someone who want to do sport with me or do you know anyone who organises ski touring or stand-up paddle rides?
- Where can we rent equipment or find it on loan or on trial before we buy it?
- I have equipment in good condition that I no longer use, can you help us resell it or give it to someone?
The app we are creating answers all these questions! It is the first web app that connects sport buddies, people who wish to rent or sell their sports equipment, allowing it to be reused and recycled.
The Sportmania App offers 4 main functions:
- BUDDY: find new friends with the same passion for sport. You can search by level, sexe, age and distance.
- COMMUNITY: organise sports sessions and easily find a team or other people with whom to create epic sport experiences
- BUY/SELL: find sports equipment in just a few clicks near you.
- RENT/LET: use the equipment of people near you at an affordable price.
No need to download on App store or Google Play store, just click on the link and start using it on your phone or desktop!
My project is special because ...
We are surrounded by people who have similar interests and passions as us, but we don’t know them and how to reach out . Also, in our neighbours’ garages there might be the sports equipment of our dreams, but we have no time or way to search and find them. With the SportMania App we can finally do all that! Please help us launch and get people to use our App. Be part of the change!

This is why we need your help.
Developing an app with so many features takes lots of time and money. We have already invested 12 months and several vacation budget. We now need an additional 15,000 CHF to reach as many people as possible and create the community. The launch is planned for May 2023.