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7233successful projects close to Iquitos

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Iquitos. But this may be of interest to you.
The GUARDIANS of the Forest

Politics, Community, and Environment


The GUARDIANS of the Forest

by MetareProject, Laure Vancau, and Sara Botero Mesa

The project aims to support indigenous people in the Amazon region during the 2020 COVID-19 global crisis. That project aims to provide communities with basic necessities and medical supplies.

100 %
CHF 10’047
135 backers
Choba Choba – Nativo Project

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment

Bern and Juanjuí

Cacao diversity is at risk today with an industry producing standardized chocolates. Help us to save rare cacao varieties and together we will create the most amazing Swiss chocolates out of them!

175 %
CHF 140’073
1063 backers
Empowering Indigenous Women.

Fair Trade, Community, and Environment

Padre Abad

Empowering Indigenous Women.

by BluoVerda Deutschland e.V.

Do you know why the empowerment of indigenous women is so important? Indigenous women have their unique knowledge, which is very useful and effective for sustainable development initiatives.

119 %
EUR 8’930
49 backers
Medicine Land

Community and Environment

Mocoa and Zürich

Medicine Land

by Heiner Dörfler

Wir möchten eine Heilerfamilie in Kolumbien mit dem Kauf von einem Stück Land unterstützen. Die Intention ist es, einen Ort der Verbindung mit der inneren und äusseren Natur zu schaffen.

122 %
CHF 4’294
39 backers
Der erschlichene Monat

Publishing and Literature


Der erschlichene Monat

by Der erschlichene Monat

In Ecuador erzählen sich die Menschen gerne Geschichten. Mein Roman soll zum puren Lesevergnügen werden. Darum brauche ich eure Unterstützung für ein externes Lektorat sowie Korrektorat!

145 %
CHF 4’667
40 backers
Kids-soccer in Colombia

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport


We want to support a children’s soccer project in Colombia. We will collect money and use it to provide the necessary materials for the helpers and parents, as well as soccer uniforms for the kids

115 %
CHF 3’460
24 backers
Minga Reforestation Project

Community, Environment, and Animals

El Chical

The Minga Reforestation Project is a reforestation project in Ecuador in one of the most biodiverse regions of the world. Help to make it really big for the climate and biodiversity!

101 %
CHF 25’450
161 backers
Eco-Park with peace: Amalaka

Agriculture, tourism, and Environment


AMALAKA: Where the tropical heat and the indigenous wisdom come together. Ecotourism, organic farming, alternative energy, culture and sport! For local, national and international visitors!

101 %
EUR 28’250
13 backers
Research4Peace in Colombia

Politics and Community

Bogotá and Popayán

Colombian women are at the forefront of building peace. Help me document & amplify their initiatives to provide better evidence on how to design effective peace processes

207 %
CHF 10’370
20 backers
Lachen für den Frieden

Games, Performing arts, and Art

Cali, Pitayo, and Sevilla

Im Juli 2019 fährt Clown Up auf Clown-Tournée nach Kolumbien. Eine Reise, die mit sozialen und künstlerischen Einsätzen zum Friedensprozess beitragen und das Lachen und Träumen fördern möchte.

130 %
CHF 15’642
147 backers
Clean drinking water for all

Science, Startup, and Community

Zürich, Sincelejo, and Río Verde

Clean drinking water for all

by Laura Stocco, Openversum

Our 50 water entrepreneurs need your help to provide 15'000 people with sustainable drinking water filters. Become the drop that starts the ripple and improves the lives of marginalized communities.

200 %
CHF 50’216
230 backers
Art et Savoirs pour tous!

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education


Art et Savoirs pour tous!

by Projets Responsables and Caliki

Oeuvrez vous aussi à l’avenir des enfants en Colombie ! Donnez leur le pinceau qui leur permettra de dessiner leur propre histoire, à travers une éducation artistique, complète et émancipatrice !