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7470successful projects close to Koforidua

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Zero-energy school in Ghana

Architecture, Kids / Youth, and Education


Sustainable school building for Newill academy, Koforidua, which was operated in overcowded metal huts and provides the only option for primary school education for the children in need of the region.

100 %
CHF 2’505
30 backers
Dodo – back to the roots

Film and Music

Cape Town, Abidjan, and Accra

Mit deiner Unterstützung reise ich, in meinem zum Studio umgebauten Schiffscontainer, nach Afrika, zurück zu meinen Wurzeln und bringe diese musikalische Abenteuerreise als Kinofilm zurück zu dir!

102 %
CHF 102’979
335 backers
Bamboo Agroforestry

Agriculture and Environment


Bamboo Agroforestry

by "BIDG" Bamboo for Integrated Development Ghana

BIDG aims to introduce an integrated, resilient and sustainable Bamboo-Agroforestry-System to reduce the poverty and hardship of local communities and smallholder farmers.

105 %
CHF 31’670
69 backers
The Accra Deaf Library

Community and Kids / Youth


The Accra Deaf Library

by Luca Steiner

Wir bauen eine kleine aber feine Bibliothek für gehörlose Kinder in Accra – der Hauptstadt Ghanas.

104 %
CHF 5’010
34 backers

Fashion, Journalism, and Environment

Accra, Guangzhou, and Haiti


by reportagen

Du willst einen neuen Look? Plattformen wie Temu und Shein machen verführerische Angebote. Das verändert die globale Bekleidungsindustrie. Aber was sind die Folgen für Mensch und Umwelt?

109 %
CHF 24’122
239 backers
Echoes of Identity

Film and Community

Bern and Accra

Echoes of Identity

by ninagracey

A documentary film about my journey to Ghana in search of my roots.

206 %
CHF 3’094
30 backers
Neues Schulhausdach in Gomoa

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Education


Neues Schulhausdach in Gomoa

by Mahler & Co. feine Biowaren

Die Kinder unserer Kokos-Bauern in Gomoa (Ghana) brauchen Hilfe. Wir möchten der dortigen Junior-Highschool einen neuen Deckeneinbau finanzieren.

102 %
CHF 5’650
50 backers
Let's build this bridge!

Agriculture and Fair Trade


Let's build this bridge!

by Mahler & Co. feine Biowaren

Den Ananasbauern in Krodua steht das Wasser buchstäblich bis zum Hals, wenn sie mit der Ernte den Fluss überqueren. Wir finanzieren den Bau einer neuen, sicheren Brücke.

100 %
CHF 27’680
102 backers
Support for a village school

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


In a small mountain village in southern Togo, 60 children go to school. They often lack books, chalk and other school material. The donations will enable better teaching.

208 %
CHF 2’080
23 backers
Création d'une bibliothèque

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Agomé Yo, Kpalime, and Neuchâtel

Afin de nous permettre de continuer la rénovation de notre bibliothèque/centre des loisirs de l'Association ELA YI au Togo, nous avons besoin de votre soutien.

129 %
CHF 3’245
49 backers
A scuola con Minondou

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Agou Iboé

A scuola con Minondou

by Associazione Minondou Togo

«La mia più grande ambizione è che ogni bambino in Africa vada a scuola perché l’istruzione è la porta d’ingresso alla libertà, alla democrazia e allo sviluppo» Nelson Mandela
E' anche la nostra!

103 %
CHF 3’404
13 backers

Film, Kids / Youth, and Art

Lome and Cotonou


by Indi_casa, Loic Clapstories, and Gains’Skeye

Contribute to this life project with us. Together we will make a beautiful documentary about an orphan reconnecting with his family and his journey to get there.