Swiss Express A Card Game

by Alexandre


Relive with friends or family the fever of the steam era as a locomotive driver. A fast and strategic card game. 2-6 players / 40 min / 10 years / FR, EN, Help us to make it

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CHF 2’029

33% of CHF 6’000

33 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

13 backers

25 days to go

This is what it's all about.

This card game project brings together 2 of my passions: The board games and the railway. I work in professional integration and this card game will be manufactured by people who are re-integrated in the labour market. We have a unique opportunity to create an exciting board game that will shed light on the fascinating universe of trains. About the game: The game’s project is ’Swiss-Express’, from 1 to 6 players (from the age of 8). Players are locomotive drivers who make up with cards, prestigious trains, to the cities of the Swiss cantons, each card will plunge you into the time while having a pleasant time. How you can help us: We need your support to make this project a reality. Visit the Swiss Crowdfunding platform to discover the different contribution options. Every donation counts, regardless of its size. The project has already made good progress, the rules have been set, translated into English and many test parties have been organised. I need you To finance the manufacture of 100 packs of complete equipment As well as the work of an illustrator

  • Alexandre Bénac Schütz
    Alexandre Bénac Schütz
  • Un jeu compétitif ou en équipe
    Un jeu compétitif ou en équipe
  • Jouer avec des locomotives du 19e et 20e siècle
    Jouer avec des locomotives du 19e et 20e siècle
  • Composer des trains avec vos cartes wagons
    Composer des trains avec vos cartes wagons
  • The Score board
    The Score board
  • Un jeu de carte stratégique
    Un jeu de carte stratégique
  • Qui composera les trains les plus prestigieux ?
    Qui composera les trains les plus prestigieux ?
  • Attention les wagons ont des capacités spéciales
    Attention les wagons ont des capacités spéciales

My project is special because ...

Part of the production of the game will be entrusted to occupational integration programmes. But also, the distribution of play in the shops of the social and solidarity economy to promote the local economic fabric.

Le jeu de 8ans à 80ans
Le jeu de 8ans à 80ans

This is what I need backing for.

I would like to distribute the Swiss Express in trade fairs and fairs, but I lack the financial means for printing and distribution. With your contribution you make it possible: • Colour printing of cards on cardboard, varnish • The creation of printed cardboard boxes. • The manufacture of the parts of the game. If a larger amount of money were to be collected: • The creation of an Internet site • The number of copies may be increased Do you like the Swiss-Express project? Support for the and soon of the Swiss-Express boxes will be printed and played everywhere. Many thanks to all our supporters, all our supporters.