Update lesen
ar family, friends, beautiful souls,
First of all, let us ask for your pardon and understanding for updating you so late. The Tour has been so intense. With the whole process of getting the visa before, of organising the Tour, of putting up a crowdfunding, and then of touring.
A human journey in its deepest form.
Of exploring different ways of functioning, of being, of believing, of expressing, of creating, of sharing.
Adapting. Being compassionate and understanding. Building a bridge between two cultures.
We have been Touring in 9 cities, 2 countries, 13 workshops, many privat classes, 4 live performances, and different videos with the best afrobeats, amapiano and coupé décalé dancers in the country, everything in 2 month. It has been good and it has been very hard. Empowering and exhausting. Rich and demanding. We have been working, not exaggerating, since the very first until the very last minute.
We are PROUD and we are thankful. You guys have made something great happen, that is changing a life. Slowly slowly, we will start sharing more impressions, as we start processing the last months. But again you must know that what you made possible is already having an impact. Following a project done after the Tour, it’s his direct result!
We are working on many more like this one. With this video, I, Oziano, show what I do to nigerian professionals: compagnies, labels, privats, entertainers. That’s how I fight in the art business. How I get the jobs. The 20 dancers in the video are paid thanks to your support, thanks to the Tour.
We are so thankful for this whole journey. We have met beautiful persons. Caring persons, selflessly wanting to support, wanting to carry hope, to uplift others. And for the recognition of the existence of profound, generous love surrounding us, which is not to be taken for granted.
Oziano and Iklos