Switzerland Dances

Switzerland Dances

by Sara and Milad


An interactive documentary about the dancing scene in Switzerland. We invite all the dance enthusiasts to participate actively in our project.

CHF 16’025

106% of CHF 15’000

106 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

137 backers

Successfully concluded on 16/12/2012


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  • Ihr kommt alle in den Himmel - Egal was ihr bisher gemacht habt. VIELEN DANK!

    Sara und ich würden euch am liebsten alle umarmen. Da das aber aus der Ferne nicht möglich ist. Hier ein Video für euch:


    Milad on 3/11/2012 10:44

    Reply 0