Tactical First Response Team

by Le Papy Flo (payass)

Ukrains'k and Kyiv

I started this project to help finance my «Tact. 1st Resp.» courses, prepare and equip my Pick-up for the transport of the wounded and acquire the necessary medical and protective equipment.

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26 days to go

Creating a tactical first response team in Ukraine

The events currently unfolding in Ukraine are just one of many indicators that it is more vital than ever to question the way we live, produce, consume and actively participate in the world we live in, and that most of us are worried about leaving to our children.

In my misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I had the privilege in 2014 of taking part in a historic event in Ukraine, and thus discovering its people and their values and courage, at a crucial moment in their history, which is why I feel personally involved in the cause.

Indeed, in February 2014, on Maidan Square, one of the most unpredictable and bloody demonstrations I’ve ever taken part in took place… on a tourist trip, I stopped off for a few days in Kiev, shortly before the start of the «Maidan revolution», a demonstration which, through its spontaneity and the murderous exactions committed, shook the whole world and subsequently led to great and promising political changes in the country.

A lot of sacrifice and courage, great results, great hope…

It lasted a short decade before the dream collapsed under the bombs.

It’s not a question of taking sides in any way, but rather of sticking to the facts, which are the violated right of a people to be free to make their own choices, the aggression of innocents for political and commercial ends, and the annihilation of children’s lives.

The ins and outs of this war are inextricable and futile, but the consequences for the population are very real and extremely cruel.

I’m convinced that, even though it may seem to have an infinitesimal influence on events in such a situation, even the smallest benevolent contribution is important and worth trying.

That’s why, in the hope of being able to help the cause, I’m making my Pickup available, as well as my skills as a driver and first-aider. To this end, I benefit from solid experience in first aid, have traveled to several high-risk areas, and am in direct contact with several trustworthy people actively involved on the ground, whether in humanitarian work or on the front lines.

The only obstacle to the realization of this project, which I believe to be indispensable, is financial, which is why I have created this solidarity fund. The smallest contribution can make a big difference and bring us closer to our goal.

Everyone on earth is a player in his or her own life and can make a valuable contribution, in whatever way and at whatever value, and thus play a direct part in making this world a better place.

If this project moves you, or seems worthy of support, start here, or let it inspire you to create your own.

This fund-raising campaign is intended to help finance the preparation and equipping of a vehicle for transporting the wounded, the financing of tactical first aid courses, the acquisition of essential supplies, the compensation of travel expenses for a project to create a «Tactical First Response Team» to treat and evacuate the wounded, and the establishment of a supply chain for medical supplies and humanitarian aid distributed on the spot, as close to the front as possible.

The main aim is to provide medical, logistical and basic necessities. Subsequently, the aim is to set up a supply chain, focusing primarily on civilians, especially children and the elderly, who are mostly neglected in high-risk areas, to enable them to better meet their needs and, if necessary, help them evacuate the area. Other projects will follow as the situation develops.

Peace be with you!

A worthy cause

This project is indispensable and essential, because it is in line with noble causes such as freedom, resistance to oppression, mutual aid and sharing… fundamental values that are being lost at the expense of our children, who are paying the price, and which we must support and help to make this unfortunate world we’re preparing to leave them a little better. … because it’s our role, our responsibility and our mission on earth as parents… we forget it too quickly and too often, but it’s inane to sweep up in front of our door and hope that it stays clean, because the problem comes from the dust, and the dust comes from somewhere else… we’re all concerned and we’re all responsible, let’s act as such! SLAVA OUKRAÏNI.

Procurement of supplies and preparation of transport.

The main aim is to provide medical, logistical and basic necessities. The aim is then to create a supply chain, focusing mainly on civilians, especially children and the elderly, who are neglected most of the time, to enable them to better meet their needs and, if necessary, help them evacuate the area.