We are expanding our already existing dance platform to make it accessible to more people. Professionals, amateurs, young and old dance enthusiasts have space with us to experience each other.

CHF 36’032

102% de CHF 35’000

102 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

190 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 26.11.2023

This is what it's all about.

The dance platform Freakidz stands for the promotion of individual expression and the sharing of dance and culture. Since 2018 we have been teaching in the interim use Viktoria Bern, where we are bound to reduced usage possibilities. Due to this, we are not able to offer our desired variety of dance classes, workshops and events. From January 2024 we will revive our own dance space in the Zentareal Ostermundigen. The dance school will become a retreat and training space for all who wish to use it as such.

My project is special because ...

We can illustrate the importance and specificity of our project with many points. Firstly, our dance school is a link between all ages. We work and act intergenerationally. Our board covers a range of groups: Arts professionals, dancers* & non-dancers, parents, students, leadership team members, supporters and more. Through this board, we address the needs of the dance and movement platform, consistently creating a retreat for each member. In this space you can freely train, arrive, just be there, read, acquire cultural knowledge and pursue your form of dance. The exchange and meeting among the dancers is important to us, so we create space and time between the dance classes and create transitions to connect the successive classes.

  • Freakidz Battle 2021 im Bimano Ostermundigen
    Freakidz Battle 2021 im Bimano Ostermundigen
  • Freakidz Battle 2021 im Bimano Ostermundigen
    Freakidz Battle 2021 im Bimano Ostermundigen

This is what I need backing for.

Thanks to your support we are able to realize the necessary inventory for the opening of our dance school in January 2024. For this we need material and infrastructure: mirrors, speakers, mixer, dance mats, wardrobe, decoration, plants and health-promoting material (black roll, terra bands, yoga mats etc.). All of this is located in a space that must be paid for monthly. We will need your support for this as well. Your donation will also be used for a successful marketing strategy. With your contribution we can use the following advertising media: Flyers, posters, merchandise and expansion of website and social media. And as is often said at dance competitions, last but not least, a functioning dance school also needs passionate dance teachers. This work should be financially appreciated.

Neues Zuhause der Plattform Freakidz ab 2024
Neues Zuhause der Plattform Freakidz ab 2024