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Tapis Rouge

by freshprod

Lausanne, Geneva, and Cannes

A group of kids are hanging out in the street. One of them talks the others into making a movie. Helped by a social worker, they write a screenplay and then, head all the way to Cannes Film Festival in search of a producer.

CHF 21’800

121% of CHF 18’000

121 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

188 backers

Successfully concluded on 27/12/2013


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  • Hey Suzanne,
    thank you very much for your support.
    Can you please send me an email to:
    fb@freshprod.com ?

    freshprod on 23/4/2015 17:48

  • bonjour!
    congratulations for the success of your movie!
    i followed the making of «tapis rouge» with enthusiasm. last but not least because i am working with young people with similar backgrounds here in zurich. we do write novels with them. i am VERY curious to see «tapis rouge» and can't wait to see it. may i ask when the release of the dvd will take place? and do you have already places to show the movie in zurich? if not, i would be glad to help with my connections.
    kind regards

    Suzanne Zahnd on 22/4/2015 11:08