The beginning of a dream

von Charline

Bern und Blonay - Saint-Légier

My name is Charline, and for the first time, I’m going to professionally record one of my compositions, which is very dear to my heart. I'm really excited to hopefully share it with you soon.

Crowdfunding-Projekt teilen

CHF 2’210

78% von CHF 2’800

78 %
  • Finanzierungsziel: CHF 2’200 erreicht
  • Zusatzziel: CHF 2’800
  • Unabhängig vom Erreichen des Zusatzziels werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

29 Unterstützer*innen

8 Stunden verbleibend

A couple of words about my music

The piece I am going to record is called «I Made Up My Mind.» I wrote it a few months after my grandmother passed away. In this piece, I talk about accepting the loss of someone dear to your heart. There is a lot of sadness and regret at first, but once you accept this loss, everything becomes so much lighter.

This project matters to me because...

I have always found comfort in expressing the difficult moments of my life through my lyrics and music. It allows me to take a step back and find something positive in every life experience.

I hope this song can help you through your own grief or similar stages of life. That’s why it would mean so much to me to be able to share it with you.

This is what I need your help for.

To get my song to your ears, several steps need to be funded: coaching, studio recording, mixing and mastering. Your support, no matter how big or small, would mean the world to me and will help me make this dream reality!