The birth of a Demotape

by Birdlord


We are Birdlord – a band of 3 peculiar birds and tenderhearted mates. This year we recorded our first ever demo-tape SNAKE CHARMER, consisting of 3 tracks. Help us cover all the costs for the release!

CHF 3’928

103% of CHF 3’800

103 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

55 backers

Successfully concluded on 27/6/2024


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  • uhhhh gracias por la flores ^^

    Birdlord on 21/5/2024 20:08

  • ….weil Lili eine tolle Schülerin war….

    ernim on 17/5/2024 11:08

  • lölölölöööööö

    Dominic Mayor on 13/5/2024 21:26