Giving an International stage to the world of Nikolai Medtners vocal works based on the unique recordings made by Ekaterina Levental and Frank Peters

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31% di EUR 6’000

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18 sostenitori

27 giorni rimanenti

Medtner Project tells about their goal

Ekaterina Levental and Frank Peters work for 7 years, completing the first unique complete recording of the songs bij the Russian composer Nikolai Medtner (1880-1951). His close friend Sergei Rachmaninoff called him «the best living composer of his time». And not without reason. Medtner always searches for a challenge, dissects the matter, sculpts with sound, and knows how to create a complete new, special musical world and language. Medtner is an exceptional musical thinker. Himself a virtuoso pianist, his music is thought of and conceived first and foremost from the piano. But his 113 songs are a pure gem for the Lied- and music repertoire and deserve a a prominent place in the nowadays stages. For the wealth of depth of expressive possibilities, the originality in communicative powers, for the beautiful poetry and philosophical themes, the extremes, for the challenging demands that teach you to deal with boundaries, intensity and sensitivity. It was Medtner’s wish to connect with and understand each other in the universal language of music. The Medtner Project has set itself the goal of conveying this. Help us to realize this unique project.

The voice and the language of Medtner's music is new and is able to reach others through sound.

It’s the first time in history that Medtner’s vocal music gets attention on such a large scale. Never before his songs were recorded completely. Significant is that all the songs are recorded by the same singer and the same pianist. The music is performed only in the original key signatures.

Cover CD Sacred Place
Cover CD Sacred Place

This is the last CD ’Sacred Place’ we are presenting this fall of the year.

Sacred Place | Geweihter Platz is the last and 5th CD to be presented to complete our project consisting of recording all the 113 songs by Nikolai Medtner. This CD showcases different styles, languages and genres. This album features songs that reveal Nikolai Medtner’s German roots. It includes German-language songs on texts by Goethe, Nietzsche, Eichendorff and Chamisso, Russian-language songs on the texts of Pushkin, Lermontov and Tyutchev, never-before-published song ’Wie kommt es’ on the texts of Hesse and Sonata – Vocalise op.41 no.2 on Goethe’s motto ’Geweihter Platz’, the title of this CD.