The Steamy Sauna-Experience

by Daniela Kasperer


The project involves the construction of a sauna, which will serve as a central element in a sauna art festival. The festival will feature artistic exchanges and art performances.

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The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

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11 days to go

This is what it's all about.

The sauna manages to bring artistic intersubjective processes into society in a very direct way, without failing due to obstacles or elitist boundaries. On the contrary, the sauna creates a fusion of social strata and promotes the meeting of diverse people. In the sauna, participating individuals have the opportunity to be intimately involved in the artistic ensemble. Therefore, it is important to me to build this sauna, which will culminate in an artistic festival.

So könnte die Sauna aussehen
So könnte die Sauna aussehen

My project is special because ...

The project offers an opportunity for social networking and human bonding. It involves an exchange and sharing of a common experience. The mobile sauna prompts a present, local engagement with the basic elements in their extreme states. The choice of location is based on the exploration of nearby water resources for the cold bath. Sauna bathing itself allows for transcendence and the exploration of physical and mental boundaries. The utopian space in the sauna creates a permeability of membranes, the entry resembling osmosis, where the inner world separates from the outer world and reinvents itself.

This is what I need backing for.

The construction of a new mobile wood-fired sauna as well as the realisation of the Sauna Art Festival is a very innovative, but also cost-intensive project and cannot be financed from our own resources. Everything has to be designed, built and organised from scratch:

  • Planning and construction of a mobile trailer sauna (incl. 2 helpers from Finland)
  • Organisation of the sauna festival (Salzburg/Berlin)
  • Honouring artistic contributions (opera singing, sauna cabaret, reading, fire bassoon performance, artistic nude performance)

With your valuable support, you make an important contribution to the development of the innovation of the Sauna Festival and the spread of the sauna vibe in the Salzburg and Berlin regions and beyond.