This is what it's all about.
We live in a society in which a conscious diet is becoming more and more important. The food we eat should be healthy and fresh. However, the thought of standing behind the stove for hours can spoil your desire to cook. With the SteamyWonder, we have developed a handy kitchen aid that eliminates precisely this dilemma.
My project is special because ...
SteamyWonder - the patented stick - easily transforms the microwave in combination with a highly heat-resistant bag into a steamer - or even better - into a pressure steamer. This means that meat can also be prepared according to specifications without hesitation, as constant temperatures of around 120 ° are reached in the steam pressure and there are no dangerous cold spots. In this way, whole dishes can be prepared in 3 - 5 minutes - without even swinging the wooden spoon once.
This is what I need backing for.
We, Frank, Francesco and our freshflashers, have already had experience in gastronomy with systems that allow chefs to prepare large quantities of food within a very short amount of time. This has made us believe that a similar product has to find its way into private households. This is why we started developing the product five years ago. Since then, we have tested numerous prototypes and continuously invested in optimization. So that we can manufacture the SteamyWonder in the highly heat-resistant material that is necessary for long-term use, we need 49,000 Swiss francs. Make the evolution of fresh cuisine possible with us. Get one of our SteamyWonder and friends packages and get the Freshflash.