Tnalak Tau Sebu prestige
von Peter Damary
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ar Friends
Tnalak Tau Sebu have finalized their new logo !
They have also purchased the necessary computer equipment !
Thank-you for your support !
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Slight correction – the last of the presentations is SATURDAY 23rd
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ar Backers, Chers contributeurs (Français dessous)
Peter will be going to Switzerland in these next 2 weeks and will be organising 3 presentations on the project. The 3 are focussed on specific groups of backers, but all are welcome to any one :
The first, in english, will be held at Holy Trinity church Geneva (Not far from the train station – avenue du Mont-Blanc) on Sunday 17th April from 12.00 to 13,00.
The second, in French, (for all backers from the rest of Switzerland) will be held on Wednesday 20th April at 18.30 to 19.30, at Espace Dickens – Salle 3 – 6 av. Charles Dickens – Lausanne (again not far from the station).
The third, in English, (for the Filipino community) at Café Viverra, Rue du Môle 22, Geneva, on SATURDA 23rd, from 15.30 (To get there take Tram 15 to Mole, or Bus 1 or 25 to Navigation).
Light refreshments will be available. This will be the chance for me to explain in more details Tnalak and our project and to hand over the tokens. Please inform me through my e-mail : to tell me to which event you will be attending (or if you can not attend, so I can send you the token).
After each event, for those who have more time, we will show the film «Kna the dreamweaver» a beautiful film in Tboli language (english sub-titles) that takes place in Lake Sebu.
Looking forward to meeting you all there
FRANCAIS : Peter sera en Suisse les 2 prochaines semaines et va organisé 3 mini-conférences sur Tnalak et le projet. Les 3 sont orientées pour certains groupes de bailleurs, mais tous sont bienvenu aux 3.
le 17 avril, en Anglais, à Holy Trinity Church Genève (proche de la Gare – av du Mont Blanc) de 12 à 13.
le mercredi 20 avril, en Français, de 18.30 à 19.30, salle 3 de l’espace Dickens, 6 av Charles Dickens à Lausanne, pas loin de la gare.
et le 23 avril en Anglais à Café Viverra, Rue du Môle 22, Genève (Tram 1 arrêt mole).
Des petites collations seront à disposition. Ce sera l’occasion pour moi de vous présenter le Tnalak, le projet et de vous donner vos produits. Merci de confirmer votre participation par e-mail (ou si vous ne pouvez malheureusement pas participer, pour que je puisse vous envoyer votre produit. )
Une présentation du film «Kna the dreamweaver» sera projeté après la discussion. Ce film magnifique est tourné en Tiboli (avec sous-titre en Anglais) autour du Lac Sebu.
A bientôt
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Tnalak Tau Sebu Inc.
Poblacion, Lake Sebu, South Cotabato
January 22, 2016
To All Crowd Funding Backers
I am Jenita B. Eko, the president of Tnalak Tau Sebu, and at the same time the president of LASIWWAI, a popular organization producing authentic high quality fabrics made out of natural abaca fiber exclusively grown in Lake Sebu, Province of South Cotabato, Mindanao Island, Philippines.
I feel delighted and inspired having a privilege to extend my thank you message to all the people who had a very big heart to support our Crowd funding activity even in a short span of time.
Thank you to Peter Damary, our Swiss G.I Consultant, who faithfully keeps an eye to the Crowd funding details and updates. We also glad to have his daughter Tamara for helping TTS about video Clips used in Crowd funding.
We will be organizing to get the rewards to you in March and April. For those of you in Switzerland, Peter will be going to Switzerland in April and will take the rewards with him (he will also be presenting the project in different venues to which you will be invited). For those in other countries, including the Philippines, we will mail them. And for all of you, please come and see us in Lake Sebu!
To reiterate, your help is great tool to put in place our quality control and labelling system. This will insure all our weavers a promising income out from our Tnalak fabric that finally leading to improving our families lives, maintaining our rich cultural heritage and preserving our forests.
In behalf of TTS, Thank you very much for keeping us moving and helping us in reaching our aspiration in life as a proud indigenous people in Philippines! Soon we will give you updates on the use the proceeds of our crowd funding. May the Peace of God be upon you all.
Respectfully yours,
Jenita B. Eko
In the link a little film of our drumming and dancing to say thank-you
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This morning got up to find we had reached 96% and 59 backers ! Wow – thank you all for having contributed and having shared – With 3 days left we are sure to reach the target. We will then start planning the presentations in Switzerland (in April/May) and making sure the rewards reach you all wherever you are ! You have been wonderful !
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Thank you all / Merci a tous / Danke alle – we have reached 70% and we have 1 week to go. There are a few more promises that have yet to come in, but with a last push I am confident that the objective will be reached and that the women of Lake Sebu will have the caoital needed to set up the tools and will be well on the way to improved income ! Salamat on their behalf !
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ar all, we have reached the 50% mark, but there are only 12 days left to make up the other 50%. Please share (once again) the project with your social network and friends … With your help, we can make it for the Tboli women of South Cotobato ! _ Thank-you
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ar contributors, we have now reached 40% – thank-you very much ! Please continue sharing the link with your friends in the new year. We still have 23 days to make up the 6000.- And the Tiboli women and myself wish you all a happy new year !
Chers contributeurs, nous avons atteins les 40% – Merci beaucoup ! Merci aussi de continuer d’en parler autour de vous et de partager le lien dans la nouvelle année ! Nous avons encore 23 jours pour atteindre les 6000.-. Et les femmes Tiboli et moi-même vous souhaitons un merveilleux 2016 !
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Voilà nous avons passé la barre des 20% – l’effort continue, mais nous sommes sur la bonne voie – Grâce à vous – Merci encore
We have passed the 20% in 8 days – we must continue the effort, but it is going well – thanks to you – Many thanks
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Chers premiers contributeurs _ en une petite semaine nous avons atteints les 10% ! C’est un bon début grâce à vous – Merci – et merci de continuer d’en parler autour de vous ! Salamat
Dear first contributors – in a small week we have reached 10% ! Good start thanks to you – Many thanks – and please continue to talk about it to your friends ! Salamat