Towers of Ibyadar: Caitlynn

von AngelikaD


«Caitlynn» erzählt vom steinigen Weg zur eigenen Bestimmung, von Magie, Liebe, Intrigen, Integrität und wahrer Stärke, die es versteht, sich gegen Ungerechtigkeit und Machtmissbrauch zu wehren.

EUR 610

7% von EUR 7’800

7 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

8 Unterstützer*innen

Abgeschlossen am 14.1.2019

Keep going!Von AngelikaD, am 02.12.2018

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English ad for Ibyadar
English ad for Ibyadar

Here is the next picture ad I have made for facebook. This time it is in English.

And I have got another backer.

Whoever you are, thank you so much!

The additional short story has been started. It is about an event I have always want to write about it, it just didn’t fit into the first book or the second. I am really excited.

You will love it!

Let's get startedVon AngelikaD, am 01.12.2018

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I’ve really done it! The project is ready for my readers and I am really nervous how it will develop. At least one of my fans has discovered the page. I am so happy! Thanks a lot.

Above you can see the picture ad that I printed and handed out to the local shops. Bludenz, I am counting on you!

I am going to create a new picture ad today and I am going to post the landscape video ad on instragram. It is 13 seconds to long, so viewers won’t see the ending. But I can post the information in the comments.

Lots of work to do, so let’s get started.