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CHF 12’575
100% di CHF 12’500
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Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.
30 sostenitori
Concluso con successo il 2.6.2021
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Dear Anita, thank you for your wonderful comment and all your support!
The Exhale il 31.5.2021 09:21
I am a faculty member at The Exhale and I strongly believe in the mission of creating and supporting a holistic approach to music making. The diverse faculty and equally diverse, but ultimately complementary curricular offerings, approach free and healthy music making from different angles and perspectives. We meet the most gracious, talented, curious and dedicated people: both the faculty presenters as well as the dedicated participants from all over the world who come together in the name of inspired and healthy artistry!
Anita King il 29.5.2021 21:34
We like your project – this is why we’ve added it to our «We Fancy» category! For the next couple of days it will appear on the front page and also in the «Recommended» section. We’d say you can be proud of yourselves and tell everyone about it! Publish some news, make a tweet or write a post!
Woody wemakeit il 20.5.2021 13:03
Thank you Olivier! That's exactly our mission :-)
The Exhale il 13.5.2021 14:59
Music education transformed my life!
Olivier Boussard il 11.5.2021 16:26