Translation of a Druid Text

de Renatus Derbidge


Participants of a youth conference in the summer 2016 on the isle of Iona will work on «The last Druid of Aiona» by Walter Weber. This requires a translation from the German original into English.

CHF 1’250

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Clôturé avec succès le 25.11.2015

«The Druid of Aiona. A hybernian Initiation»

«The last Druid of Aiona» a druid fate at the time of emerging Christianity – in scenic representation – is supposed to be performed during summer 2016 in nature, that is, on the Scottish island of Iona, with participants of the «summer camps Isle of Mull and Iona».

«The Druid of Aiona. A hybernian Initiation» by Dr. Walter Weber (1898-1987), published in 1975, is an important testimony of the changes from Druidic culture (pre-Christian) to Christian culture on Iona, resp. Western Europe.

This is a black/white drawing of W. Weber, colourized by J. Greiner, that illustrates his story.

This beautiful text is writen in German and requires a translation into English

This text should be edited into a scenic-dramatic version. This requires a translation into English. To preserve the clear, simple, and impressive narrative style of Weber, we want the translation to be done by the professional translater Matthew Barton (who is among other things a published poet and profiled by excellent translations of Rudolf Steiner into English).

Weber’s story is epic. In order to be able to «play» it, it needs to be rewritten – dialogues must be skripted, szenes must be plotted. This work, within the Iona-conference preparatory group should be (reasonably) rewarded as well.

Surplus funds will go into production and costumes.

Thats us: Elizabeth, Ioana, Renatus, Alexandru (from left). We are going to prepare the conference and the play and will work on it with the participants during the conference in summer 2016.