Inspiring our audiences!
We want to broaden the chamber music experience by crossing the bridges from the traditional classical repertoire to other styles, including Latin American, Afro-Cuban, and Jazz.
We feel that by making a recording, we can deepen our audiences’ experience of the works we perform, and hope that you, our backers, can help us to achieve it!
We need your support
We need your support to cover (among other things) the costs for the hall, a first-class producer (Malgorzata Albinska of arton), editing and mastering, travel and hotel expenses, a great booklet, and the actual physical production of the CDs. We believe that the CD is still, even in our age of the internet and downloads, a work of art in itself and something desirable. Help us to create it!
We’ve thought of a number of rewards which we hope will take your fancy.. check them out!