Please support us in organizing an exciting event to reduce textile waste, promote sustainable upcycled fashion, and raise awareness about what happens to textile waste.

EUR 820

27% di EUR 3’000

27 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

16 sostenitori

Concluso il 26.6.2024

This is what it's all about.

Through this fashion show and informational event, we aim to encourage people to think about sustainable fashion and help them understand the difference between fast and slow fashion.

Our project is special because ...

Three individuals, including a dedicated activist for plastic and waste reduction, a talented designer, and an association founder, lecturer, and all around activist, are joining forces and combining their energies to develop an innovative project for sustainable textile utilization.

A new perspective on textile utilization!

Our upcoming fashion show and exhibition on November 21, 2024, during the European Week for Waste Reduction, is not just an opportunity to celebrate talented designers and artists – it is a movement for sustainable textile utilization. We from the Circular Vienna Association – Michael Boyle, Stella Wittmann, and Anna Pollack – are not only presenting fashion but also a new perspective: textiles can be creatively and innovatively reused instead of being thrown into the clothing bin.

With your contribution, you help us spread this message and create a platform for designers dedicated to sustainability. We offer all participants the chance to become an active part of this unique project and join us on discovering how fashion and art can change the world!

This is what we need backing for.

Dear Supporters,

Our upcoming fashion show and exhibition is more than just an event – a platform for creative expression and inspiration. We are bringing together talented designers and artists to create a unique cultural experience. Your support enables us to promote local talents and celebrate the diversity of our community. Be a part of this extraordinary project and help us create something special!

Revive Couture Upcycling Catwalk
Revive Couture Upcycling Catwalk