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3576projects close to Lobitos District in community
Reset FiltersWe have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Lobitos District. But this may be of interest to you.

Community and Environment
Boca de Shamboyaku
by Peruhilfe

Taricaya Schildkröten
by Peruhilfe

Community, Kids / Youth, and Tourism
Begegnungszentrum Peruhilfe
by Peruhilfe

Community and Kids / Youth
Solarstrom Begegnungszentrum
by Peruhilfe

Community, Environment, and Animals
El Chical
Minga Reforestation Project
by Kenzo

Fair Trade, Community, and Environment
Padre Abad
Empowering Indigenous Women.
by BluoVerda Deutschland e.V.

Community, tourism, and Environment
Colombia Healing Center
by Diego Garcia

Community and Environment
Mocoa and Zürich
Medicine Land
by Heiner Dörfler

Politics and Community
Bogotá and Popayán
Research4Peace in Colombia
by AgnieszkaFal

Community and Education
Ventanilla: Häusliche Gewalt
by mannebüro züri

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport
Kids-soccer in Colombia
by Jorge Zingg

Community and Environment
Puerto Nariño
Déchets pour la conservation
by Association Yacu world