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3583projects close to Samakkhi in community

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Samakkhi. But this may be of interest to you.
Replanting Rainforest

Science, Community, and Environment

Vang Vieng, Miri, and Kuala Lumpur

Replanting Rainforest

by Ennia and Cameron

Our project will explore how resilient reforestation of Asian rainforests is achievable in collaboration with native communities. To reduce our footprint, we want to travel there by container ship.

162 %
CHF 13’008
31 backers
Tuk Books

Community, Kids / Youth, and Literature

Chiang Mai

Tuk Books

by Projets Responsables and Tuk Books

Prendre un tuk-tuk et le remplir de livres pour en faire une bibliothèque mobile, tel est notre projet de Flying Library en Thaïlande. Parce qu'ensemble on va plus loin, participez à cette aventure!

114 %
CHF 1’375
28 backers
A pick-up truck for BAAN DOI

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Mae Sai

A pick-up truck for BAAN DOI

by Baan Doi Schweiz

In order to be able to integrate adolescent orphans into Thai society BAAN DOI starts an agricultural project in 2019. For this project a pick-up truck (Songtaew) is required.

107 %
CHF 14’155
38 backers
A new school year!

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Chiang Dao

A new school year!

by Luigi Jorio

The children of the boarding school at Wat Arunothai (Thailand) escaped from poverty and armed conflicts. They need our help to keep going to school and to live in a safe place.

102 %
CHF 8’593
52 backers
Children of Wat Arunothai

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Chiang Dao

The boarding school in Thailand hosts children who escaped from poverty and conflicts. With your help they can live in a safe place and go to school.

102 %
CHF 8’590
72 backers
Home is a blue dragon

Film and Community

Tứ Xã

Home is a blue dragon

by Matthias Leupold

The family of Hưng and Thắng has a daughter Mến who surprisingly lost her memory 20 years ago. She was 17 years old when she suddenly fell ill: she is a victim of Agent Orange.

16 %
EUR 1’119
14 backers
CORT Adventure

Community and Tourism

Krong Siem Reap

CORT Adventure

by Tobi Schmidlin

Chai had just started an eco tourcompany in his country Cambodia. When his 2nd daughter was born, there were complications. He had to sell his truck to save her. Lets get his business going again!

0 %
0 backers
Bildung in Kambodscha: Der Weg geht weiter.

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Krong Battambang

Das Projekt Bildung in Kambodscha geht weiter! Mit Ihrer Hilfe ermöglichen wir Englischunterricht, Schulmaterial und Bücher – für eine bessere Zukunft der Kinder. Jeder Beitrag zählt!

166 %
CHF 5’000
38 backers
Bildung in Kambodscha

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Krong Battambang

Kinder sind unsere Zukunft. Sie versprühen Lebensfreude, Energie und haben die verrücktesten Ideen. Leider sind die Möglichkeiten und Chancen nicht für alle gleich. Wir möchten eine Schule in Kambodscha unterstützen.

250 %
CHF 5’000
67 backers
Phuong's climate trainings

Community, Environment, and Education

Los Angeles, Hanoi, and Berlin

... is Phuong Hoang's journey to become a Climate reality fighter, to learn deeply our Mother Earth and environment issues in different continents, to encourage the local youths to take action.

107 %
EUR 1’290
27 backers
Happy Home make it your own

Science, Community, and Environment

Si Racha

CAD Arbeit für 3 Modellhäuser, damit arme Familien im Selbstbau ein modulares, einfaches, stabiles und bezahlbares Heim bauen können. Unterstütze uns die Prototypen in Serienproduktion umsetzen!

106 %
CHF 21’214
42 backers
PC's pour l'orphelinat

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Pattaya City

Les enfants en âge de scolarité de l’orphelinat de Pattaya disposent, pour leurs études, de 11 ordinateurs. Ces PC’s ont plus de dix ans ... merci de m'aider à financer en tout cas 5 nouveaux postes.