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1292projects close to Paudex in environment

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La Forêt du Léman

Tourism and Environment


La Forêt du Léman

by Theo Mourad and Justine

Un projet en forêt unique dans la région lausannoise et alentours construit autour de valeurs profondément écologiques avec beaucoup d’ardeur, d’implication personnelle, et de soins.

13 %
CHF 1’990
19 backers
Multi-usage waste compactor

Startup, Technology, and Environment

Zurich, Orbe, and Lausanne

Multi-usage waste compactor

by Waste Allocation Systems

A manual multi-compactor for your home waste: e-crush. It reduces 60 liters of waste into 17 liters and can also reduce plastic bottles and aluminium. It’s a true home sorting center.

130 %
CHF 26’170
87 backers
Im Herzen des Humanismus

Music, Festival, and Environment


Im Herzen des Humanismus

by Sandrine Wenger

Eine Ausstellung aus recycelten Materialien in Form von Totems zum Thema «Was bedeutet es, sich selber, die Natur und den Anderen zu respektieren». Vom 13. bis 15. Juni in Lausanne

104 %
CHF 5’200
29 backers
Nouveaux (r) Et-Si

Comics, Kids / Youth, and Environment

Lausanne, Geneva, and Neuchâtel

Je souhaite publier une bande-dessinée pédagogique et collaborative qui valorise des projets durables et inclusifs en Suisse romande.

101 %
CHF 3’560
55 backers
illo, eco-designed soap dish

Startup, Design, and Environment


A soap dish that is eco-designed, scalable, sustainable and anti-waste: that's «illo». To protect your solid cosmetics in the most beautiful way.
Delivery of contributions in September 2024.

102 %
CHF 15’302
96 backers
Un packaging tout neuf!

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment


L’AmiKette veut se parer d’une nouvelle robe! Afin de répondre à la demande du marché, un tout nouveau packaging pré-imprimé ainsi qu'une nouvelle boîte verront le jour.

105 %
CHF 12’690
127 backers
Biofuels for the Swiss

Startup, Technology, and Environment


Biofuels for the Swiss

by The Yellow Company | Jonathan Mayor

Cut the CO2 emission of current vehicles thanks to the use of biofuels (Bioethanol, Biodiesel, SAF), our objective is to provide the Swiss people with those at a competitive price.

5 %
CHF 1’371
18 backers
An olive tree for Puglia

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

Ugento and Lausanne

Restoring a region’s former dignity while helping the planet: that’s the ambitious project L'Olivane has set itself! Offset your carbon footprint by sponsoring an olive tree in Puglia.

9 %
CHF 3’893
26 backers
Circle Toys - Play it again

Startup, Kids / Youth, and Environment

Zürich and Lausanne

Circle Toys - Play it again

by Circle Toys -

The Swiss circular solution for toys! After a successful pilot in Zürich & Lausanne this year, we need your help to expand to other cities in Switzerland and continue fighting climate change together!

102 %
CHF 25’553
143 backers
Festival Objectif Terre

Community, Festival, and Environment


Festival Objectif Terre

by Festival Objectif Terre 2023

Soutenez la 18ème édition du Festival Objectif Terre ! Du 9 au 11 juin 2023, venez à l’esplanade de MontBenon à Lausanne pour rencontrer les acteur.trice.x.s de l’écologie et la durabilité !

100 %
CHF 10’077
83 backers
Let's reinvent democracy!

Politics, Community, and Environment


Another world is still possible! And it will be democratic, or it won’t be! A true ecological and social democracy is within reach, we need you! 💙

178 %
CHF 53’600
408 backers
Education & Environment

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education

Lausanne and Bang Rin

Education & Environment

by Laurence Pian, APUJOL, and Capucine Paour

By the Jan & Oscar Foundation. Help the Moken people (sea gypsies) in their fight against plastic pollution, to protect the oceans through education and professional training.