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1034projects close to Burkina Faso in performing arts
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Performing arts and Kids / Youth
Burkina Faso

Community, Performing arts, and Education
Natitingou and Djougou
Theater «Iyali bineyeyo»
by Desired Motherhood - Maternité Désirée

Performing arts, Festival, and Art
De la plume à Dakar
by Fabrice Bessire

Publishing and Performing Arts
Raccolta Commedie Teatrali
by Marco Catalano

Performing arts and Kids / Youth
Benin City and Togo
La légende Baoulé
by Nathberthod

Performing Arts
Geneva, Aurillac, and Toulouse
La Gaarde (Spectacle de rue)
by Le Bestiaire à Pampilles

Performing arts, art, and Tourism

Music, Performing arts, and Dance
Aix-en-Provence and Allauch
by Le Transformateur

Performing arts, Festival, and Art
La Cie Origami à Avignon!
by Compagnie Origami

Performing arts, Festival, and Art
AVIGNON, wir kommen!
by Teatro La Fuffa

Performing arts, Festival, and Art
Le Crédit: Comédie Théâtrale
by Les frères Bugnon

Performing arts and Kids / Youth
Anaheim and Cannes
World Championships Arts2022
by Bloomy