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487projects close to Kropyvnytskyi in photography

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Les Sentinelles de la Paix

Photography, Publishing, and Art

Kropyvnytskyi and Ukrainka

Les Sentinelles de la Paix

by Schweizerphotographe

« Quand un cosaque est à cheval, seul Dieu est plus grand que lui »
A l’heure de l’implosion d’un état une catégorie d’individus veulent garder les traditions et l'unité de leurs pays

0 %
0 backers
Chernobyl’s children grew up

Exhibition, Photography, and Publishing

Geneva, Slavutych, and Chornobyl

Chernobyl disaster gave birth to Ukraine’s youngest city: Slavutych. Discover this city’s youth turning into adults. An adventure filled with love, vodka and optimism.

242 %
CHF 14’534
136 backers
Journalism is not a crime!

Photography, Politics, and Journalism


Meltem Oktay is in prison because she criticised the Turkish forces in the Kurdish areas in Turkey. They took her camera away. As a journalist she needs a new one when she comes free in November 2019.

36 %
CHF 1’477
22 backers
Next Year in Krakow!

Photography and Publishing


Next Year in Krakow!

by Paul Schneller

In this photo-dialogue book I will show you my very personal view on the contemporary Jewish Life in Krakow and my dialogue with my Jewish great-grandfather.

117 %
EUR 5’890
55 backers
Budapest Nacht. Ein Fotobuch

Photography and Publishing


Gàbor Fekete ist seit seiner Studienzeit faszieniert und inspiriert vom Werk des ungarisch-französischen Fotografen Brassaï. Er zeigt seine alte Heimatstadt Budapest nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit.

100 %
CHF 10’012
37 backers

Photography, Music, and Literature

Prague, Martonvásár, and Budapest


by Helga

«Apassionata» is the story of Beethoven's secret love affair, that had to be suppressed throughout centuries – still, it has been resonating up until our days, as it was born out of a unique force.

104 %
CHF 22’915
12 backers
Skopje’s Architecture

Photography, architecture, and Journalism


Skopje’s Architecture

by Michael Banifatov

A photography exploration of Skopje’s controversial architectural legacy.

2 %
EUR 20
1 backer

Photography, Publishing, and Design

Gdańsk and Bremen


by Studio Culture And Identity

The past connects and divides Poland and Germany equally. With our publication we are building a metaphorical bridge between the partner cities Bremen and Gdańsk through artistic exploration.

10 %
EUR 50
1 backer
Bengali Faces

Exhibition and Photography


Bengali Faces

by Gerry Huber

This is a unique and exciting collection of street portraits from Kolkata to Dhaka. They show a selection of Gerry Hubers dynamic portrait photography taken on his travels in East India and Bangladesh

103 %
EUR 6’718
45 backers
Junge Künstler unterstützen

Exhibition, Photography, and Community


Eröffnung eines Ateliers, um junge Künstler/innen bei Selbstvermarktung und Organisatorischem zu unterstützen und Vernissagen für «gute Zwecke» (zB Kinderkrebshilfe) zu organisieren.

0 %
EUR 30
1 backer
A Place to Return To

Photography, Music, and Art


«A Place to Return To»- so heißt unser neues Album, auf dem wir uns mit dem Thema «Zuhause» musikalisch und visuell auseinandersetzen. Für spannende Belohnungen könnt Ihr uns dabei unterstützen!

109 %
EUR 3’295
45 backers
ACT for green diversity!

Photography, Dance, and Environment


Unterstütze uns bei dem Projekt ACT FOR GREEN DIVERSITY und sei dabei bei Infospeeches, Stadtwanderungen und site specific Performances zum Thema Biodiversität im Stadtraum!