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1071projects close to Jalgaon in publishing

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Jalgaon. But this may be of interest to you.
A Book about Desire

Exhibition, Publishing, and Environment

Zurich and New Delhi

A Book about Desire

by Raphael Perret

This publication documents «Recycling Yantra», an art project portraying the informal e-waste recycling network in Delhi and lets a diverse group of authors share their views on the situation.

105 %
CHF 5’790
52 backers
Das Erbe von Gandhi

Publishing and Literature

Berne and New Delhi

Das Erbe von Gandhi

by Carmen Zanella

Das eindrucksvolle Porträt von Rajagopal P.V., der gewaltfrei gegen soziale Missstände kämpft und zugleich die Geschichte vom Aufbau einer gewaltlosen Widerstandsbewegung unter den Ärmsten Indiens.

102 %
CHF 2’040
10 backers
Fotoband «Lanka»

Photography and Publishing

Bern and Colombo

Fotoband «Lanka»

by nicolephilipp

Das Fotobuch «LANKA» ist eine persönliche Hommage an Sri Lanka und all die Menschen, die mir auf meiner Reise durch dieses wunderschöne Land mit Herzlichkeit und Offenheit begegnet sind.

100 %
CHF 2’505
21 backers
20 years «owf» Sri Lanka

Publishing, Community, and Art

Wathuregama and Vienna

20 years «owf» Sri Lanka

by one world foundation

Authors, artists and experts describe in a book how a guest house in Sri Lanka succeeded in financing a school and thereby generating social, cultural and intellectual capital.

100 %
EUR 20’125
65 backers
Schlaf gut! – Ein Kinderbuch

Publishing, Kids / Youth, and Literature

Tbilisi and Basel

Kinder brauchen schöne Bücher! Wir haben ein besonderes Buch in Georgien gefunden und wollen es zweisprachig herausgeben. Eine gewinnende Geschichte und ein Zeichen für den interkulturellen Dialog.

107 %
CHF 3’574
45 backers
Ordos, the stillborn city

Photography and Publishing


Ordos, the stillborn city

by Adrien Golinelli

The world’s biggest new city, Ordos, is under construction in the desert of northern China. It has everything fancier than the others, but still lacks the most essential: its people.

166 %
CHF 13’302
66 backers
Die kopierte Stadt

Publishing, architecture, and Comics

Hong Kong and Zurich

Die kopierte Stadt

by Matthias Gnehm und Edition Hochparterre

Der Architektur-Comic ist eine Komödie voller Verwechslungen, Täuschungen und Intrigen. Dazu handelt das Buch von globalisierter Schweizer Architektur und zügellosem Städtebau in China.

122 %
CHF 9’180
68 backers
Hong Kong In Between 香港之間

Publishing, architecture, and Community

Hong Kong

Hong Kong In Between retraces the history of STAG a stool-bag we have developed to explore the hidden back lanes and ambiguous public spaces of the city.

111 %
EUR 21’180
89 backers
Parade: Almond Chu

Photography, Publishing, and Art

Hong Kong

Parade: Almond Chu

by Almond Chu

PARADE, a photography project conceived by Almond Chu twelve years ago, consists of a fine art publication, a limited edition of archival prints and an exhibition to be held in Hong Kong in September.

14 %
EUR 3’740
14 backers
Kotlin for everyone

Publishing and Technology


This project is about a new practical book for Kotlin, a beautiful programming language to boost your career in IT, business and rise your creativity.

0 %
0 backers
Romantic Emotions in Motion

Publishing and Art


«Romantic Emotions in Motion» is the name of the book that I would like to fund to publish with crowdfunding. The book is an art book with the best images from my portfolio which are well approved.

0 %
0 backers
Le Prix du Pignon

Publishing, Community, and Comics

Morges and Beirut

Le Prix du Pignon

by Noémie Desarzens and Krel

Six semaines au Liban. Étrange choix de destination touristique, nous dit-on. En résultent un carnet de voyage, ainsi qu’une envie de soutenir ce pays en crise.