Once every generation, Switzerland should meet. Become part of X-27, the next EXPO, on the Dubendorf Airfield!
In times where connections and encounters are increasingly digital, an EXPO is a place where, once every 25 years, Switzerland actually comes together.
Real human encounters - after all - are the engines shaping our lives: family, friends, team members. And they are the glue keeping society together. That’s why we want a «Landesausstellung» in 2027. And that’s why we want it in one great location: The biggest open playing field in Switzerland. Already owned by all Swiss citizens. Already equipped with the kind of infrastructure an EXPO needs: The Dubendorf Airfield, right next to Zurich.

This is why we need your support.
The Rocket «X-27» has, in fact, taken off. With a little effort and zero budget, the idea spread through the media and in the political back rooms. Now we need some fuel to get into orbit.
The path through communal, cantonal, military and federal instances is long and winding. As a non-political organisation of doers, we need private support:
We want to make clear to all politicians involved in the makings of an EXPO and to all stakeholders in the Dubendorf Airfield that Switzerland wants a «Landesausstellung» 2027 – and they want it here!
That’s why despite the core team’s pro bono work, we need funds, so great people in planning, communication, law and administration can do a great job!
If you think, a rendez-vous with Switzerland is worthwhile, please join the movement and support this crowdfunding campaign!

The Rewards
An EXPO needs many people: People who think, people who lead, people who do, and people who support us just because they want to take part in the adventure of a ten-year development process!
Our goal is to get as many people as possible behind «X-27 Rendez-vous with Switzerland». In return, we officially invite you to take part in the development process on various levels - in the Swarm, as a Passenger, Pilot, Angel, Corporate Eagle or even as a Creator.
As you can see in the reward descriptions, in addition to taking part in «the next EXPO», we also offer you a more hands-on return on investment. Our basic promise: If X-27 Dubendorf takes place, every funder will receive a ticket according to his/her level.
On the other hand, politicals seas can be rough. It is possible that, despite successful funding, our idea is sunk. Depending on the balance left on our accounts, we will reimburse you pro rata with what we have left. In the worst case, however there is no money left to give back. This is a risk you must be willing to take! Our promise: If we go down, we will at least invite you to one «last rendez-vous» - a long, long happy hour.
We are counting on you!
- Team X-27