A festival for Banfora

by Adrian and Moussa


We want to create a platform where to showcase the abundant musical and cultural patrimony from all cultural scenes in Burkina Faso and are thrilled about a second edition of the SACULBA festival.

EUR 23’990

38% of EUR 63’000

38 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

23 backers

Concluded on 29/7/2017

In the wealthiest country in the world

Burkina Faso is one of the wealthiest countries in the world: 68 different ethnic groups, each with their own languages, music, traditional dances, masks and customs, live together here peacefully. Unfortunately, the state cultural funding doesn’t reach as far south of the country as to the city of Banfora. The inhabitants of this cultural gem yet to be discovered remain patient and courageous although left to their own devices. This is where we come in and help: By creating a festival for music and culture there will finally be some acknowledgement of the importance of the cultural tradition and wealth in the region – the local produce can be proudly presented to the world. Without question, one day there will be the likes of Mozart or Jackson coming from Banfora conquering the world! When wealth and prosperity are found right at your doorstep, there is no longer a need to migrate to wealthier regions. In Banfora, such resources can still be found: time by the ton and space for miles and miles.

  • Balafonists from 100 villages with their instruments
    Balafonists from 100 villages with their instruments
  • The oldest musicians are honoured
    The oldest musicians are honoured
  • The governor of Banfora hands out certificates
    The governor of Banfora hands out certificates
  • Working and creating together interculturally
    Working and creating together interculturally
  • Working and creating together interculturally
    Working and creating together interculturally
  • Arrival of the balafonists from the 100 villages
    Arrival of the balafonists from the 100 villages
  • The emblem of the city of Banfora
    The emblem of the city of Banfora
  • Burkina Faso in West Africa
    Burkina Faso in West Africa
  • People of Banfora
    People of Banfora
  • Kaba-cô - the festival organisors from Banfora
    Kaba-cô - the festival organisors from Banfora
  • One of the 30 balafon playing ethnic groups from Banfora
    One of the 30 balafon playing ethnic groups from Banfora
  • The balafon: the quintessence of the music cultures of the region
    The balafon: the quintessence of the music cultures of the region
  • Festival friends
    Festival friends

Our Festival SACULBA

The musicians, dancing performers and storytellers participating in the festival will be invited as artist in residence, meaning that they will receive board and lodging as well as a modest fee. For the traditional village musicians, who all their lives have performed for free as a service to their community, this comes close to a miracle and will generate dreams. On the one hand, they will become more aware of their importance as traditional folkloric performers. On the other hand, it might even give impetus to more professional cultural structures. The ultimate goal is to turn the festival into such an attraction that it will gather people from all over the world. Its purpose is to promote cultural tourism and also to create a counter-movement to migration flows toward Western parts of the world. With the money attributed to the festival various areas of the economic life will be invigorated and thus create paid jobs. Leaving a lasting impression on the participants by jointly experiencing the «l’esprit de partage musicale» is what makes this festival so unique. With professional guidance, the festival audience will set up a collective stage performance consisting of dancing, drumming, singing and storytelling. International interest in the local Burkinabe culture will have a positive effect on preventing the endangered cultures of Burkina Faso from disappearing.

  • Balafon resonator workshop using Claude Luisier's Swiss technique
    Balafon resonator workshop using Claude Luisier's Swiss technique
  • Soft renovation and embellishment of the youth house «La Maison de Jeunes»
    Soft renovation and embellishment of the youth house «La Maison de Jeunes»
  • Balafon building workshop: key carving
    Balafon building workshop: key carving
  • «Residence de création» for some 120 musicians during 10 days
    «Residence de création» for some 120 musicians during 10 days
  • Dance and music workshop for the schools
    Dance and music workshop for the schools
  • «Residence de création» for some 120 musicians during 10 days
    «Residence de création» for some 120 musicians during 10 days
  • Flyer SACULBA 2016
    Flyer SACULBA 2016
  • «Residence de création» for some 120 musicians during 10 days
    «Residence de création» for some 120 musicians during 10 days

This is what we need your financial support for:

  1. Means to cover for board and lodging for the invited local and international musicians (about 120 persons) during one week before the festival starts (workshops and preparation of a collective stage performance) as well as during the 3 days of the festival.
  2. Fees for musicians and workshop leaders.
  3. Means for material, tools and instruments, among others for the following workshops: building balafons, resonators and drums.
  4. Financial means in order to prepare the venue and festival centre «La Maison de Jeunes» for the event with the assistance of the festival audience.
  5. T-shirts, posters and publicity.

We make it - «A Festival for Banfora» summer tour of the percussion group «ZUSSAMBALAN» (Zurich/Burkina Faso), in collaboration with local singers from the Räphügel and Intergalaktischer choirs. Come along and have a listen! For performance dates and venues see below.

  • Wemakeit-tour of the percussion group «Zussambalan» (Zurich/Burkina Faso)
    Wemakeit-tour of the percussion group «Zussambalan» (Zurich/Burkina Faso)
  • Wemakeit-tour of the percussion group «Zussambalan»  (Zurich/Burkina Faso)
    Wemakeit-tour of the percussion group «Zussambalan» (Zurich/Burkina Faso)
  • Reward: VIP seats at SACULBA 2017
    Reward: VIP seats at SACULBA 2017
  • Reward: carving tool «Daba»
    Reward: carving tool «Daba»
  • «Die Stimme des Balafon» - music book by Moussa Hema & Adrian Egger
    «Die Stimme des Balafon» - music book by Moussa Hema & Adrian Egger
  • Reward: Saculba Shekeré (West African rattle)
    Reward: Saculba Shekeré (West African rattle)
  • Reward: Music and video at the Sponsors' Fest in Zurich in October 2017
    Reward: Music and video at the Sponsors' Fest in Zurich in October 2017
  • Reward: A balafon with 15 keys
    Reward: A balafon with 15 keys
  • Reward: African T-shirt Faso Dan-fani
    Reward: African T-shirt Faso Dan-fani