We are replacing plastic with a mushroom-based biodegradable and sustainable alternative.
CHF 5’044
25% di CHF 20’000
Come funziona
Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.
Concluso il 3.1.2020
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Hi, This project look super cool, hope you'll reach your goals and that this experience will be meaningfull. But I miss the english or french subtitles on the video, adding those would be nice :)
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Vielen Dank ihr beiden! @Tofurei Tuyu dann melden wir uns ganz geschwind sobald wir soweit sind!:-)
Mosas il 12.12.2019 12:02
Eine grossartige Idee. Ich würde auf jeden Fall eure Produkte verwenden und freue mich darauf. Viel Glück mit dem Projekt!
Tofurei TUYU il 12.12.2019 11:17
Viel Erfolg bei dieser tollen Idee!
Schweizer Michael il 10.12.2019 16:30
Hello @DeKaZedd!
We are working on english subtitles and will upload a new version today :)
Mosas il 9.12.2019 13:29
This project look super cool, hope you'll reach your goals and that this experience will be meaningfull.
But I miss the english or french subtitles on the video, adding those would be nice :)
DeKaZedd il 8.12.2019 16:28