CHF 5’580
111% of CHF 5’000
This is how it works
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
87 backers
Successfully concluded on 23/10/2020
CHF 5’580
111% of CHF 5’000
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
87 backers
Successfully concluded on 23/10/2020
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Bsr. Skip
Skip on 23/10/2020 00:30
un beau projet pour de jeunes artistes.
castro baldo on 18/10/2020 19:00
Wunderschöne und wertvolle Liedliteratur, interpretiert von geistvollen, talentierten aufstrebenden jungen Künstlern- muss man einfach unterstützen, die Welt wird besser dadurch!
Simone Durrer-Stock on 16/10/2020 19:59
great artists need support, anyway - with or without stupid viruses.
auschmid on 13/10/2020 21:56
Einen Singstudenten unterstützen, der so phantastisch singt, ist ein Muss !
Amor on 13/10/2020 16:12
Super projet, bravo à vous deux! J'espère que vous arriverez au bout du financement! ☺️👍🤞
Valentin Villard on 12/10/2020 16:04
Bravo pour ce beau projet
Michel on 7/10/2020 13:28
Bonne chance !
Megumi on 25/9/2020 16:05